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Cloudtemplar on Damwon vs Sunning + Reflection

translated from:

Damwon 3:1 Victory!

As of now because of Damwon's victory in World LCK are now the number 1 region this year. Of course next year we still have to see MSI and Worlds but for now LCK have reclaimed their number 1 region spot.
This was a very emotional moment for me. This took longer than I thought. When LCK first fell I thought they would do better next year but they kept faltering on the international stage. I even thought this day would never come. When I watched LPL to be really honest they were really good. Even at the finals they gave us a hard time. Damwon really won our confidence back.

General Ideas

To start I think Suning did better than I expected. Both side have something they regret/fell short and there are many points going for them both but in the end I thought Suning did better than I expected. I predicted a 3:1 but I predicted a much easier 3:1. The won games were all loseable and to be honest I am not sure what would happen if they went to game 5.
Looking at Suning it reminds me of the old(young?) Damwon. Overall Damwon are a better team but Suning was really able to play out their style. Just like the name 'Style of Me" Suning was able to play according to their strength and displayed a monstrous performance. To be honest it was really fun seeing them play. Of course it was fun because we won it probably won't be that funny if we lost(IG flashback).
This is going to be a short overview of the series. Let's not go too deep on the games itself since we have something else to talk about.

Game 1

SofM Shen Jungle

Last time I talked about Shen and how not everyone can play the champion. There are just some player unable to play the champioin. I don't think SofM was good with Shen but instead, he is just really good with jungling. When you see the game you don't really get the feeling that SofM or even Suning is good with Shen. I don't think Shen is a champion that mesh well with Suning. But SofM is really good with Jungling so in terms of farming and macro he is really good but I don't he played to Shen's strength.


Damwon picked a pretty traditional comp: Orianna, Ornn, and Graves reminiscent of the group stage and then Ashe/Pantheon. The analyst desk talked about this already but this comp is great even in blind pick(OGN B05 prepared us for this). This comp doesn't really have much weakness and it's a great game 1 comp.
Suning on the other hand chooses a very stylish(flavourful) comp which they will continue to do so the entire series. The comp is all about combos with Azir, Wukong, Leona going in while Ezreal deal damage in the back. Azir is good on paper(original: 'concept pick') but it was really hard to use him effectively in-game.
Suning's comp was really scary but to put it simply BeryL played out of his mind this game. He was good overall but specifically his positioning before teamfight/objective was really amazing. Because they have Ornn against Shen/Wukong they really can't break sidelines so they have to group around mid. What Suning want to do is catch them offguard with Leona/Azir but BeryL was able to stop them and even catch them before they catch Damwon.
You hear this and might think Damwon is unstoppable this game but in reality, it was a really close one. Biin played out of his mind this game. Specifically when Biin who was able to outplay Nuguri and Canyon who came to pick him off. But Biin was able to dodge their skill and survive till Angel and SofM came and clean them up. Wukong wasn't even that ahead. Overall however Damwon did have the advantage but Damwon made some mistakes and we realized that this isn't going to come easy.

Sunny Side Up

What is interesting about Suning is that they play around top which is rare and no other team do this. But because Biin is so good they were able to put out a great performance. SofM too was good on enabling Biin while making sure bot doesn't collapse.
So Nuguri was really important here. If there was ten ganks then he evaded nine of them. Since top side was Suning's win condition Nuguri did a really good job absorbing the pressure. Sometimes he doesn't even get help and was just expected to survive on his own.

Suning Roster on Paper vs Reality

I don't think Azir is a good pick overall and he is only okay in niche comp like this. But Angel isn't their star player and aside from that Syndra game he didn't really surprise anyone.
What is kind of funny is that if you look at Suning on paper they aren't really a scary team. Because one: they play around top side and who the heck play around topside today? Their mid and bot isn't that strong and they are not even that great at Macro. Don't they sound like a weak team? The problem is that you lose even if you know all that. Suning has a particular style and they perfected that style to a tee. (It's like that quote that the best swordman isn't afraid of man with hundred move but man who perfected one single move).

Shen pt. 2

So a lot of people was asking why Shen didn't fall behind like many other Shens. Shen is a level 6 champion and like many other level 6 champions he couldn't keep up the tempo in early game. Suning however played around it and let him grew in the jungle. It was a team effort to keep Shen in the game. Canyon however didn't just slack off. He was able to get many objectives and was really busy. On the other hand Shen was focusing on leveling. This is why Shen didn't fall behind.

Game 2

This is a world record game where we have the first pentakill in Worlds Final. This was a really good game from Suning who played almost perfectly. They gave Lucian and picked Syndra who is good against Lucian in exchange. Because Damwon picked Lucian Damwon picked an AP Jungler(Eve) which then they picked Rengar to counter. From a pick/ban point of view it was a work of beauty.
Looking at this comp you might have thought Damwon inted in pick/ban. They gave Angel Syndra who is almost a Syndra one trick, they gave Rengar who counters Eve, and they gave Suning Jhin/Leona two of the most contested pick in bot. But in reality, Damwon had the advantage. It was a winnable game for Damwon and there were many reasons why they lost but I think the biggest reason is their failure to adapt.
It seems Damwon struggled against Suning surprised picks. You have to play a little differently against Rengar and Showmaker especially seems to panic a bit. And Biin Fiora played flawlessly this game. Canyon and Showmaker to be hoenst made a lot of mistakes this game. There were times where Canyon died with summs and Showmaker didn't do well with Lucian. I wonder what would happen if they played with a bit more caution.
To be honest this game might have been a frustrating game for Nuguri. Because to be honest as long as Nuguri was able to hold Biin Damwon should've won. Ornn is really hard to break and they wasn't able to break Ornn but other lane collapsed. Nuguri said in interview that he was angry for playing weakside this game and other games. And to be honest this is a game he deserves to be angry because he was able to hold on his own against Fiora. He did his job but as a tank he can't really do anything when his team collapse. He is really good on Ornn but you can't win against Fiora as Ornn.


This and Damwon giving G2 Lucian makes me think they are not ready with the pick. It is hard to get practice time with Lucian since he is so contested and if you picked Lucian you need an AP jungler which is also contested and hard to match with other champions. Lucian is a good pick I think everyone agrees with that. But sometime there is picks like that where because it is so contested not everyone are able play them(Like Kalista at her prime).

Why Eve Why Not Lillia?

Eve is really good at pressuring enemy team and are great in shutting down Fiora. I don't think the picks are the problem but the in game plays. But you can say that the comp they picked might not been bad but what they gave to enemy team is wrong. Syndra who is Angel best champion, Jhin and Leona the teir 1 bot lane champions. If you look at the game from this perspective then yeah the pick/ban isn't good from Damwon.

Millionaire Binn and Vietnam Rengar

But for people who watched the game Biin was insane this game and SofM showed us the peak of Rengar. The analyst desk talked about this but there is some freedom to Rengar. You can go lethality Rengar or Tank Rengar. Usually, for solo alne Lethality Rengar is perferred but SofM was insane with the ping pongs and stack management. Out of the three mustakteer champions: Camille, Fiora, Jax Fiora has the weakest team fighting but with that items, nothing really matter. No matter who you are if Fiora has that many items she has no equal.
Even I with that many items could've won.
"??????????????????" -Chat
Cloudtemplar is currently Plat 3 with a 42%(33 games) winrate on Fiora.

Game 3

If I have to describe this one game with one word it would be: Nuguri. If I have to do it in two then it would Nuguri and BeryL. I am oversimplifing a bit and of course other players did their part too and BeryL was really good but Nuguri was a whole another level. He was able to evade ganks, win lane, and win team fights. Usually it is almost impossible to evade ganks and win lane he really did everything he can do. BeryL also did really good job with Braum.
However this was also a close game. Biin picked Jax(one of the three sword champion), Angel on his Akali, and SofM on Nidalee. It was a close game and it could've been a frustrating game for Nuguri because he really everything he can. Especially that time when four of his team mates made bad judgment and died. It almost became the like second game where Nuguri lost because of his team mates when he was doing really well.

All Right, Then. Keep Your Secret

So... people have been asking about the Omnistone runes Biin and SofM used. The thing about Omnistone is that it could be unexpected to the enemy and surprise them of course sometime it also surprise you. It is a gamble and it is really fun to play around that randomness but at the end it is really just for fun. I am really unsure about this. If Wunder told us why then we could have known but Wunder said he is keeping as a secret for next year so... Use it with caution to your LP.

Damwon's Biggest Strength

One of the biggest strength Damwon have and also the most important thing in this meta is lane prioirity/dominace. Damwon's bot doesn't falter against HuanFeng/SwordArt and Nuguri is Nuguri so Mid is very important here. But Showmaker is on Syndra so he is able to get lane priority which creates a scenario where all three lane are winning which gives Canyon a lot of space. Because of this it wasn't huge to give Sunnin Nidalee.


When you are Red Side you have to give them one pick so what Red usually does is they give the enemy one good pick and take two afterward. Usually Blue take Lucian and there are still many good picks leftover like Jhin, Leona, Syndra.
Let's make this simpler. If you are red side you are able to take 2 OP pick against their 1 OP pick. AND you have last pick so you can counter one of their pick. This is why everyone picks Red side. So why does people prefer blue side the early stage of Worlds? This is because not everything was solved. At that time Nidalee, Lillia, Graves was super contested and getting just one of them at the start gave you such big advantage in Jungle. But over time people started to figure out how to play around them so the OPness got smaller. BTW this is normal. Players always find counterpick/style against OP picks and find a way to counter the current meta.

Game 4

There isn't much to talk about this game. Suning seems a bit fatigued and mental seems... a bit down. Suning Pick/ban wasn't that good, their secret picks was already shown, and went into this game a bit worried and exited the game the same way. One important thing is that Showmaker is once again on Syndra and through many adc bans they picked Cait gaining lane priority, Pantheon and Leona has the same role but Pantheon was able to move faster than Leona, and once again they seek to play around top but Nuguri was able hold once again.
I think SofM regretted picking Graves this game. I think SofM didn't expect them to lose so much lane priority. Graves is a good pick when you have lane priority and when you don't have lane prioirity you want to pick a ganking jungler. Whether it is Lee sin, Jarvan, or any ganking jungler they would have worked better. As for Kindered wolf was basically in heaven with 3 lane priority giving them free reign. Graves can't gank can't make plays. Other picks would've been better.
As for Gankplank he doesn't have as much as outplay potential than Jax, Fiora, Camille so I think Damwon had an easier time dealing with him then the last three games. Of course Damwon did well in pick/ban but you don't win just off of pick/ban they also did well in-game. This is game that I expected to happen. But aside from game 4 all three games was really close and clutch.

Series MVP

So Canyon received the series MVP which continues the feeling that Junglers are dominating the mvp spot after Ning, Tian. Some fan asked me if I can choose who would I choose for MVP. I think I would've chosen Nuguri because to put it simply Nuguri didn't have a single bad game this series. Canyon was a bit... bad in that Evelynn game but Nuguri did well all four games. Even the game they lost he still did well. I think Nuguri was the most consistent player and Canyon did really good but he didn't do good that Evelynn game.
BeryL did well too, Ghost did good too and Showmaker. Guys to be honest MVP is really just for show, for celebration. This is a team game everyone did their part to win the trophy. Who held the trophy highter doesn't really matter.

Best Players in Each Role in Worlds

I have always believed that whoever win Worlds are the best in their role If you know my history you would know that to be true and this is especially true this year. Think of any player that is better than Damwon's roster. There is none. Damwon roster is the best this Worlds.
However, who is the second/third is a bit more complicated. I think it is much more interesting to pick 2nd/3rd than to pick first since it is just Damwon.

2nd Best Players

Guys Guys Guys. This isn't World top 20 this is my own list. This is my subjective opinion and you can pick whoever you want. This isn't a poll rank. I will explain why I pick Caps later.
Marksman is a bit tricky but my pick contenders are: HuanFeng, Ruler, Rekkles


Guys come on aside from that final series what other games did Huangfeng did bad on? Yes, there was some adc gap between him and Ghost but- people who play marksman will know this. They played top side games what can you do when you are playing weakside marksman? Suning always play around top side so how can you expect a weak side marksman to super carry? I am getting frustrating saying this so I am going to pick Huanfeng(lol).

Why Caps?

Caps isn't as lane dominant as let's say Knight who is the second contender but he is a great playmaker. He made a lot of plays and are crucial to G2 and even in games they struggled Caps still made the best possible choice to win. I picked him because of his game changing playmaking potential.
I was going to put Sword as a joke but as you guys are rioting down there I am going to stop here.


1. Was there a party?

a. No
b. Yes, but I just stayed for a while
c. Yes, but I didn't know
d. Yes, but I was banned
It's one of those

2. Cake?

I don't knw what taste it is since I didn't get get to eat it. I was going to throw the cake to fellow caster's face but then it had Damwon on it so I didn't want to ruin it.

3. Seed Change?

A lot of people have been asking that since we won Worlds would that give us 4 seed? I am not the one in charge but I don't think winning one Worlds automatically gives us 4 seeds. I think it is more about past achievements so this is only the start.

4. Next year?

So people have been asking what LCK will look like next year with the Franchising change and such. I don't know much but I think the region will be more competitive with the influx of money and slot security.
Come on guys its only been a couple hours since Damwon won please don't ask where I think the players are going...

5. Cloudtemplar's Schedule

I am not sure how they are going to do All-Star if at all but if they do it I will probably be there.
Starting soon I am going on a college tour and will meet many college students interested in League. I have already done this a few times but I am going to do more starting on Monday. If you wanted to meet tell your student council because they are the one giving out invites.
To be hoenst student council are such Chads. Like even when I was in High school I would see my seniors playing basketball or soccer and I think they are so cool. I usually just sit in a corner and talked about video game with my friends. I remember we would talked about last night game and break the game down. We would do our own draft and compare it. I think this is something our fellow gamers could relate like we would gather around during Lunch and talked about draft, pick/ban, and where/what we should play tonight.
I enjoyed it. It was my childhood and to be honest it was fun. I remember before video game we would make our story and people role play(it's kind of like DnD). Like we would have one DM and one artist and we will play out our story. One would be mage one would be barabainians and then DM would be like "Ah a monster appeared what would you do?" and we will be "attack", "run", "poke his butt hole". The story would go on for weeks and every time we had break we would gather around and play. It was really fun. Some people are laughing but I know some here could relates to it.

6. Stage, Opening

So to give my honest opinion I was quite dissapointed at first but then I was like "it's okay" at the end. The Galio wasn't too bad and I think at the end it got better. I don't think it's not that bad. It picked up at the end.

7. Oberservor

To be really honest the Obseror was really meh. It was kind of frustrating because I am seeing so many things but they are not showing them. I am good at casting from watching minimap and it is something I am proud of but... At one point we just stopped talking about things because we know that the oberservor won't show them. It is not like they can hear us so we can't really do anything about it...
But it's okay cause Damwon won. These things happens time to time let's just move on. When we host it we will do better.

8. Crowd

A lot of people was complaining about the crowd and how it was a library. Let's be the better man here and let it slide. And to be honest LPL crowd didn't have obligation to cheer for us. Just like how LCK fan doesn't have to cheer for them they don't also have to cheer for us. These things sometime happens in Sport like people would go completely silent after a homerun from other team.
And someone pointed this out but at least they didn't boo'ed us. When I was playing against TPA the whole crowd was cheering for TPA. Like when they killed a ward they would chant "TPA, TPA, TPA"(because of screen sneak peak/cheating incident everyone hated Azu Frost at that time). As long as they don't cheer against or boo us I am okay with it. You guys are asking too much.

10. Hope for LCS?

I think they either have to grow their player domestically or they have to be more open to spending money. I said this before but I think having more S tier player in a region elvate the region as a whole. So they might want to get more S tier player to NA. They don't want to come? Slap them with so much money they are having a second thought, second house, and second wife.
To be honest though they are already spending way too much money. What they have to do is spend money on the right player and cut those who does not deserve it. They have to paint the region as a region that pay you a lot if you perform and not just give money for free. Right now they are just spending money they have to spend money more realistically and smartly.
I am not saying they should get more Korean but just imports in general.

11. Championship Skin

I wanted to see Nuguri pick Ornn but tank champion in general doesn't get much love. And Nuguri Kennen have always came out when they needed him the most so I think it is okay for him to pick Kennen.
Canyon said it is either Graves or Nidalee and I think those two are fine. Probably going to sell a lot once it come out. Oh he said he picked graves? That's pretty cool.
As for mid he said he is picking TF which is fine. Akali would have been good too since he got famous for the pick but I don't think he picked her this World. I am not sure about Syndra since she already have a skin. Picking TF is actually kind of huge since he was one of the oldest champion and was in and out of the meta quite often. He is quite popular too.
Hmm I wonder who Ghost is going to pick. Oh he is picking Jhin? Hmm I don't think Jhin fit quite well... Draven? I don't think that sell well so I am not sure... Ashe? Ashe is good too Ashe is also a beta champion like TF. She is also many people's first champion because of tutorial... Wait they changed it? It's no longer Ashe? I guess time changes but wow I can't beleive they changed it... I feel old now.
BeryL should just pick Pantheon. It is going to sell well too. What? He is picking Leona? Oh man Pantheon skin would have been nice because you flex him in any role so he is more versatille. I guess I have to respect his personal opinion. Hopefully the skin would look good.


I know it is easy to just say LCK won and celebrate but this didn't come in one day. This came with many hardworks and please don't think only Damwon contributed. A lot teams worked hard for this moment and they made each other strong doing so. So many of them were like "I don't want to fight cause we might lose" then the coaches will be like "fight cause that's the only way we can get better." The teams decided to change and this is the result of it.

The Future of Cloudtemplar channel

So I have been doing this kind of stuff for a while and this one marks the final episode of the year. I've done this with Pony, with guest speaker, and even just myself and I am thankful for the fans and the attention I have gotten. From a youtuber perspective it is really hard for a hours long video to get any view. In Youtube short video are the one that get attention and viewership. Even I don't want to watch hour long video so I really appreciate you guys watching.
I have said this before but I have many things to learn and improve on. I don't have talent, I don't have skill, and all I can really do is try my best. There is a lot of time where I just want to stop everything and I wonder do I really need to do this much? Do I really need to live a life where I get cussed everyday? I have confidence that I can do this but it is hard somtimes. Most people don't know how hard I work and to be honest that's just life. You work hard nobody notices and you make one mistakes everyone notices. I guess that's just something we have to overcome. Anyway thank you guys for the support see you guys next time.
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My experience with Skull and Shackles Book One

Hello, months ago I made my first post here trying to come up with a character here for a Skull and Shackles game, and last night we successfully managed to complete Book 1 of the Wormwood Mutiny.

I figured I would share some of our adventure and party for anyone interested, so spoilers below for those that have yet to do this adventure.
So to prefix this, our table consisted of five players total. Four of us play a 5e game together on Saturday where one of our players is the DM and the GM (to seperate the two) of this game is a player in that adventure.
Having five for a four man adventure the GM decided to scale and adjust combat so that it was much harder to keep up with us, as well as decided to expand on the alliance system more then what it was originally by having the crew each individually have there own helpful status trackers with each individual member of the party that we would all be able to check at the end of each game. So for example; if one of us had Jaundice Jape set to helpful status, the rest would need to work on there own time as we formed alliances between the crew as well as us. Truth be told, our own characters for the longest time did not trust each other.
The party
Aphaleon, Aasimar Anti-paladin that was basically a Paladin of Besmara. The GM hand-waved a lot of the rules with this, because he is willing to work with a player to allow certain things so long as he doesn't feel its really game breaking, but the player has many times felt it hard to quite figure out how to be a paladin for a pirate god throughout the adventure. He also missed a few sessions due to having a newborn in his life, and was often unable to form alliances and easily became the most hated character on the ship to the point that Plugg and Scourge actually at one point were trying to turn him on us... only he was more loyal to one player who had saved his life. We did like his character, and the player had expressed he never has played an evil being and often only plays Paladins in normal games to my understanding.
Iko, Human Oracle; this player was our social butterfly for obvious reasons. He would smooth talk many of the hostile characters that he could. He really sucked at sailing; he lacked anything in the physical field and often needed to be helped with his daily tasks. If a storm hit, he usually ended up passed out and tied to the rigging to keep from falling off. He was basically a support bot he declared himself, often healing us where he could.
Mar, tiefling alchemist, A strange yet charismatic fellow that was Aphaleon's 'brother' prior to getting on the ship. I will say he was a very neat person...
Stormr, kraken caller dhampir druid, this character went through alot and actually started off as a bard; but on his own request re-rolled into a druid. They became a natural weapon abomination monster from hell however towards the end, but often time bumps head with the rest of the party on our decision making process. He is loyal to us for the most part, and comes off as nice when he isn't attempting to main and devour someone. He is obsessed with drinking each our blood at least once.
Kanu, Skinwalker (Seascarred) Hydrokineticist, a young woman who has a very short temper and at times and early on a point to prove that she was not to be messed with. Despite lacking in the social skills, (modifier of 0 all game) she somehow became the most liked person by the crews point of view by obtaining helpful status with everyone on board the ship just about; at least from what she could tell as the GM shared that some were 'lying' about how they felt about some of us. This would come to light towards the end.
Bidgug, Bloodrager half-orc, A brutish ugly son-of-a-bitch Half-orc who has the famous quote of "Bidgug Heal." When designing him the player made him a doctor, his heal skill is levels of medical genius you wouldn't understand where he came from. He also is the most physically powerful character, and our best sailor among the party.

The GM, A special addition here as the GM was ran this for us. They did very well in coming up with additional personalities and characteristics of the various NPC's throughout the AP. It actually left some of us talking between ourselves about how we were thinking of each NPC, how we were going to deal with each NPC individually, as though they were different characters and not many just manipulated by one. Overall they have a lot of talent and have left us all wanting for more.
20ish long days at sea

The adventure began with many of us really distrustful towards each other, sans Mar and Aph. When climbing the main mast at the start, Aphaleon and Bidgug were the clear superiors on this, with Kanu only climbing up part way and standing on a sail which earned her a crossbow bolt in the stomach from Plugg; thus he forever would only refer to her as "Miss, Lady-I-shot-with-a-crossbow". She nearly died from that while Mar argued and got his head curb stomped for being insolent. Bidgug won and became a rigger who would later fall off and barely survive getting labeled an idiot. Mar jumped to the fact that he can cook, while the rest of us were sent off to work as swabs. When the first night rolled around Bidgug picked a fight with Rosie because he wants to fight 'strong' people, and lost soundly. In response he sneaked to the quarter masters office and 'broke' the lock to where the fiddle was stored since Grok had taken it and delivered it earning her friendship instantly... still bleeding out but setting up the idea we would have fight clubs for him every few nights for fun.

We also had a occurrence with the crew making us late to the top deck the second morning. Iko opting to talk to Aretta and wait. Kanu scaring the piss out of those blocking her by shifting to her more shark like form and getting them to let her through. And the anti-paladin getting punched out. Bidgug still bleeding out his ears for better or for worse, went back to sleep. Shortly after the theft of things were reported from the quartermasters office, Bidgug was placed to the sweatbox and Kanu with him because she tried to stand up for him. This was session one.

Fast-forward the following weeks each of us more or less began befriending people in our own way. Kanu earned the respect of Jaundice Jape (and grew to hate Conchobar), Aphaleon would go missing for long stints due to his real life needs, Mar would befriend the kitchen life easily, Bidgug would have his fight clubs and win against all, and Iko continued working his way around befriending people in a mixture of annoyance and charm. The battle in the bilges came and went with the alchemist essentially dropping bombs on the rats, and Bidgug nearly accidentally chopping Kanu's foot off before doctoring the wound enough to ensure it healed correctly.

The first storm did come and go, with Rosie getting tossed over board. This was easily solved with Bidgug going to sea to save her, and getting back on board. Yet, what made this event more then what it seemed was Mar's choice to try and remove Ratline. For you see, the rum rations we all found ways to get around. Kanu and Iko could purify it with there magical gimmicks, and often others went to Sandara who would assist us where she could. Bidgug was the only one sometimes drinking it willingly. Ratline however had caught Mar trying to shirk it, and blackmailed him for gold in response. During the storm Mar lobbed a bomb and killed the fellow in an effort to show off that he could. The following evening once the storm passed, we all bore witness to the keel-hauling of Mar. Aph tried to take responsibility for his brother, but was stabbed by Plugg and downed, while Scourge tied the tiefling up and chucked him over. Kanu did attempt to save him beneath the waters by breaking the rope, but bad rolls and moments later there was no surviving the pass. Mar was dead.

We ended up having a small event of meeting a wrecked ship to get his replacement called Stormr, and from there we began to deal with other issues of 'we can't heal the Dhampir easily', but we got over that later down the road.

We struggled with the reefclaws, as Bidgug and Iko killed one, and another dragged Aph into the depths to his would be death... if not for Kanu getting angry and the GM allowing her to pull a 'improvised' event of dragging the creature up using the water currents so she could tear it apart herself. Aph was thankful. That afternoon however Bidgug talked to Harrigan and so did Plugg earning both of them the sweat-box, which was amazing as he played 'go-fish' with the first mate... who would comply to pass the time. Needless to say Plugg very much hated Bidgug by the end of this story, and Bidgug I think very much enjoyed that. Kanu however was poisoned by Scourge that evening, due to her getting close to Sandara; the woman helping Kanu open up and be less angry all the time. She survived, but took several points of con damage from the ordeal.

We found ourselves earning the trust of many members of the crew that began hostile; although it became clear some of us were more liked then others as we approached the Man's Promise. The most notable figures of our group come this point were Iko, Bidgug, and Kanu. Iko having befriended the most hostile individuals, Bidgug earning a couple along with being intimidating by several while earning the respect of many more, and Kanu ultimately earning the most through delivering gifts; holding long talks, and even having to sing a song 'in character' per accidentally suggesting Rosie try playing her fiddle. Needless to say, it felt like we had a growing force to take over.

Then Bidgug was surprise attacked in the bilges, and after he crushed them with his bare hands, we managed to delay him going into mutiny mode as Kroop warned Kanu that Harrigan was not to be taken in a fight and would end our lives if we tried. She talked Bidgug out of going forth to fight until we got the Man's Promise. We needed a ship away from the captain, and so we agreed to delay it.

The Man's Promise

Our second real combat event came to Kanu getting elected as leader of the boarding party. Side note; she was the only one that succeeded in boarding practice to the surprise of everyone around. The two physical monsters kept falling off from trash getting lobbed at them, and Iko was incapable from the get go, and Stormr was attempting to ninja run on the ropes and failed. Regardless our assault was interesting as Bidgug was first onboard while Kanu and Iko utilized magic upon approaching to remove threats while Aph fell into the water with the sharks. Kanu leapt after him and dragged him out with her dank water powers and barked at him to stop trying to get himself killed. Meanwhile Bidgug would solo the crew for awhile on his own, throwing people from the aftcastle while breaking the backs of a few others. Thankfully we all got to him in time before he was overwhelmed.

When Harrigan was jumped, Kanu and Stormr jumped to act. Stormr tried with a spell that did an amazing one damage, but Kanu rolled a crit and murdered the attacker earning Harrigan's attention. Finally the officer with the magical pike came topside, and was the second to drop to Kanu's critical luck that evening. We took the ship with some prisoners to show for it in the end. During the evening celebrations many of us took advantage of the five night actions, partying drinking, gambling, and many of the party name Bidgug and Aph losing to Tam Narwhal on an arm-wrestling event. Come morning we all knew it was time that we get our own ship, but we didn't quite expect to have others with it.

After getting our new 'captain's' we sailed again under stricter rule of thumb from Plugg and Scourge. Kanu was forced to cook a pig meal, and managed to luck out win that dice roll. Bidgug worked in the bilges with Aph, and Stormr and Iko were given meaningless jobs. Come the evening Kanu despite succeeding was mauled by the cat-o-ninetails for reasons that Plugg opted to take, with a warning that she is close to having a detrimental scar on her back from the amount of lashings she has taken from Plugg throughout the adventure. The party would help treat her wounds (she had been knocked to 0) and then she snuck away to try and to go and murder Plugg in his sleep, only to happen across his meeting and overhearing many of the crew we have befriended in with him discussing the plans to go get to ship overhauled for there own plans. This distraught her as she felt those she had grown to trust weren't trust worthy anymore.

Bidgug began to quietly discuss with many members of the crew about a mutiny, aiming to get this in motion within a few days time, while Iko resumed his game of social activities. To our surprise he managed to befriend some of the most dangerous folk onboard the ship, something that would later pay off with his banter. We often would joke that Iko simply "annoyed people to like him". Stormr was caught up attempting to find a way he could be healed with positive energy; and even though a feat does exist and he took it he didn't want it to work until he found an in story reason for it to work. Meanwhile Aph kept to himself, but was inactive again due to real life responsibilities during this time sadly. By the time the second storm hit however, we were at our patience limit. When Sandara vanished we were lit with a zeal to go save her as she had been our first and strongest ally this entire time. Furthermore, the Rahbaun officer had been brought on board; had also gone missing.

Come morning, Kanu was determined to head in land after demanding the holy symbol that Iko had found to go find Sandara. While the rest were willing to follow on this. Bidgug was worried as leaving our allies alone could pose a problem. Thus began Bonewreck isle.

Bonewreck Isle

To start, we were going to just ignore the jungle but Bidgug found tracks and followed them to the mountain where we found the mysteriously vanished Aph had gone. To make up for his absence he was given a chance to betray us and join Plugg and Scourge, but he opted to fall into the drink during the storm and was yeeted by Besmara to this island. That was the role play of it at least. However, he didn't see us and went running into the jungle ahead of us while we played a game of catch up. He got past the Mire (somehow) without us, and we found ourselves engaged in mortal combat against the toads. The encounter had some funny moments with two players sinking into the quick sand and Stormr learning Kanu has healing powers now to his initial horror thinking he was gonna die to her, before we made our way further in.

We did happen across a Ghoul hiding behind a tree, and although we tried to convince her to come out since we didn't know it was a Ghoul, Kanu opted to blast the tree demanding her to get out of hiding to which she attacked. This was the first Ghoul we fought. It was also an embarrassment as she somehow bullet timed our attacks, as we could not roll for shit, and it took close to seven rounds of us missing to finally down her. This was a massive foreshadow to the encounter ahead as we came to the Ghoul camp. At first we were trying to spy on how they were, but what came of it was Stormr setting the tent on fire spontaneously causing many to come running out; more then the original value, we were later told as the GM had made encounters harder because there were five of us. Also we were ahead in exp gains a little; which was something he was fine with as he was increasing encounters to accommodate for our strength.

We nearly TPK'd. Kanu was left standing really in the end, saving a paralyzed Bidgug and a downed Iko and Stormr. That is when Aph finally found us, and we moved as one to the house a top the hill as we avoided the beach and crabs quickly, and said 'nope' to the cornfield... for now. At the house come nightfall, Kanu went forward towards the tree first and watched a Choker actually fall through an extremely botched roll in attempting to get Iko. While Iko and Bidgug turned it into paste she was snatched up and rolled a natural 20 confirmed and annihilated the other one. We left the house alone and slept then and there for the evening at the courtyard of the stockade.

Next morning we found the undead guy inside, and left it alone at first as Iko and Kanu saw in the spyglass the Grindylows with the hat by the cave, and then proceeded to inform the rest. In leaving however, Kanu opted to blast the dead body because everything else looking dead was alive. The bugs got upset, and the Anti-Paladin ran inside for reasons still to this day none of us really understand as he attempted to use negative energy to kill the swarm. We opened the door and the Ghast came to life and got off his hanging rope. We got the paladin out, shut the door; blocked it, ran the hell away. Never looked back as we went for the cave.

Once there we dove in without a second thought, hitting the water and realizing Kanu can't see so gave her a light so that we could at least have our under water magic cannon functioning. Aph led the way through the tunnels of the Grindylow cave, and at every sea weed juncture we let Kanu basically water pressure cannon the weeds away to ensure there were no surprises before facing some Grindylows in a cavern that we soundly dismissed. We actually really went fast in this part, making it the main lair within minutes as we took a route that avoided major large rooms, and it was there we faced the Grindylow queen letting both Sandara and the Officer fall into the water. Kanu dove in to go save them and the others advanced on her as Bidgug revealed he could get bigger now. Stormr tried to be a caster. Iko did support stuff. Aph went in with swords drawn.

What came next was Kanu freaking out as she ran into not just the Whale, but a Devilfish that came here during the low tide, and although she swam away from them and found Sandara and the sinking officer; she was in a bad spot as the Devilfish tore into her fiercely. The Whale and Bidgug began having a Kaiju battle topside, as Aph helped out with his swords. Meanwhile Stormr performed Sealords command and part way through the kaiju battle the Whale stopped and obeyed the druid and then went for its mother. And ate her. Aph then dove under and began to assist Kanu against the devilsfish, which was rend asunder by Kanu's own power, before Bidgug scooped up the fallen cleric and officer to save them from the bottom. We didn't spend a lot of time searching this lair admittedly, and the GM did hint we skipped a lot of treasure that could've been ours. We did find Sandara's hat on the way out though, as she asked about it and Kanu being friends with her looked once on our route back to where we came.

Upon getting out of the dungeon we spoke to the officer, and she asked why she was alive as Kanu had been the reason she was in this situation in the first place. Well the whole party more exactly. We conversed and she revealed to us that we shipwrecked on purpose. Plugg and Scourge wanted to get us away from our allies and then kill us off given the chance. They saw Kanu and Bidgug as threats, and the rest of the party as easy to handle. Before we did anything else Bidgug wanted to go to the cornfield, because he wanted corn. So we did.

The cornfield was mostly uneventful. The ankheg attacked, we murdered it soundly, and we got some corn and a few other items. We then went to the Stockade again and saw the undead fellow was gone as well as several items missing. We barricaded the place and rested. Kanu bonded with the officer, the GM giving her the name of Elyisum, and although she was originally hostile shifted to indifferent from us saving her, Kanu managed to earn her loyalty that night with a natural 20 roll mixed with a conversation the GM granted a bonus to the roll that seemed to make sense. Stormr was next and merely annoyed her. Aph left her alone for the most part on his watch. Iko tried to bond, but got met with nothing. Bidgug checked her leg cause he was a doctor and the GM had pointed out it was chewed up pretty badly, he earned her friendship at least to our understanding before the next morning came.

By the way, we all had Ghoul fever and watched the druid fail his saving throw against it. So with that in mind we all picked ourselves up and made for the beach where we found Aaron Ivy waiting in our skipper. Unlike before he had a sense of himself back, and he had buried the skeleton ornaments left by the Grindylow's that were littered about the fishing village in a mass grave. He then spoke to us how he wanted off this island, to go somewhere, and that he was willing to help us take back our own ship. Apparently, he had been spying on us all night and overheard all the details of our ordeal. Bidgug, Kanu and Iko were against him coming with us, and Stormr and Aph were willing to make a deal.

Aph then struck a deal unknown to the rest of the party, as Kanu used the Besmara tri-corn that Sandara had gifted her to make a second boat. We let him take our first one to go wherever, but he wasn't going to help us to the concern of Bidgug, Iko, and Kanu. We then rowed back to the Man's Promise on the Besmara hat boat.


So we had several plans on how to approach this. Kanu wanted to swim people under water to the ship one at a time in the cover of night for a surprise attack. Stormr and Iko and Aph wanted a surprise attack in the cover of night as well, or to try and make Elly look like she captured one of us to make a scene. Bidgug wanted to just row to the boat and fight man to man during the day with honor. Needless to say, we went with Bidgug's plan because we felt he was going to just do it anyways with or without our say. That and having to stop by the beach for some crabs so he can give them to Owlbear wasted some of our cover of night anyways. So we got open fired upon by crossbolt shots. Not our best moment.

Kanu took Iko and the two of them swam with Kanu's swim speed beneath the Man's Promise and to the other side where they began climbing up to try and provide support. Some of our 'allies' would not engage however, notably three of the four hostile. Meanwhile Conchobar who if any of you are familiar with was helpful status to Kanu since the start; due to her being female, began casting spells on the party members. Why, even getting Bidgug to flee overboard for a bit to which the crew stopped shooting at our party as the only threats were Kanu, and Bidgug... and the GM mumbled, "Well he doesn't see Kanu anymore." This was at first thought 'oh he won't shoot if he sees her,' but we learned that was not the case at all. He was aiming for her.

You see, they were only worried about Bidgug and Kanu, and were ordered to focus fire on those two from the start. They even tried to poison the two with a knock out poison, but some good fort saves put a stop to that. Then to our own surprise and delight, Slippery Sly, Jape, and Aretta all came to our aid and turned on Plugg and Scourge. Jape: he respected Kanu more and she didn't resort to poison for allegiance. Sly: hated everyone but Iko who somehow annoyed her into being friends. Aretta: was in love with Iko the GM straight up announced.

Bidgug climbed on board as a giant, while Aph took out Conchobar with a well tossed spear throw. Iko buffed Jape as he and the two other npc's attempted to assist Kanu in fighting Plugg. Meanwhile Scourge was facing the officer lady; Elly, while Stormr went all natural weapon crazy and proceeded to maul Scourge into a bloody pile after two rounds of assaulting him with tentacles and teeth. Plugg was the bigger threat, as the GM to our understanding leveled him up to make sure he was still a threat to us. He downed two of the NPC's in one turn, kept disabling our oracle when he could, and nearly killed him in one swing. Kanu got his attention next, as she began to land blows on him with her own melee, and was the only one to take his entire onslaught of attacks and remain standing. The GM rp'd that, "He... actually looks scared of you, as you stay on you feet despite his cuts and blows upon you."

Bidgug then came in and did a bullrush to him, knocking him from the ship while Iko threw a magic attack to finish off Plugg in the water below. We then brought his dying body back, and Kanu disarmed and mounted/pinned him as she began to get her own level of vengeance. The rest of the enemy crew surrendered, while Bidgug freed our allies from the brig. Scourge was long since dead, while Kanu revived Plugg with her healing power, and demanded he say her name. For you see, to this date Kanu developed a unreal hate at being called, "Miss lady I shot with a crossbow", why even Elly called her that when asked to Kanu's disdain and quick correction informing her to never say it again. The rest more or less were occupied, only Bidgug standing by as he knew Kanu needed this. Pluggs response? He spat blood at her and began to say "Miss Lady-I-shot-" she drowned him with water pressure until his head was no more having heard it enough.

Aph however wanted Conchobars head and began to struggle with Elly over ending his pathetic life, but Elly stepped in and eventually Kanu screamed the word "enough" once she left Pluggs corpse, having enough bloodshed. Bidgug helped our allies up, while Iko checked on the wounded, reviving them each and ensuring that all was well. The remaining enemies disarmed and knelt down on deck; Aph ensuring that they surrendered as he took his rounds, as we began to decided what to do next. Sandara and Kroop began talking between themselves as Kanu sat on the railing near the wheel, and Iko came to check on her well being. Bidgug still enlarged roared in victory, as Aph kept his weapon at the ready to finish off Conchobar. Stormr lamented in his delight at our win.

Then the question was asked by I think Aretta, "So who is captain now?"

And thus ended our adventure as we will decide it next week.
Final after thoughts
We loved this AP and plan to go right into book two. We have had an interesting dynamic as we often struggled on skill challenges, and throughout the adventure we also struggled earning each others trust as well as the crew around us. I didn't mention it above, but the general dynamic is that Bidgug thinks everyone but Kanu is incompetent at sailing. Iko thinks everyone underestimates him, but everyone thinks he's all talk, but he does trust and like Kanu and Bidgug at least. Aph is naturally an asshole in character, but he swears his loyalty to Kanu at least from what we can garner although he has moments of doing his own thing to her own frustration. Kanu likes everyone although gets often annoyed by Stormr, and worries he's really a psycho-path in the making. Stormr... has only revealed he thinks Kanu is a bitch, Bidgug is scary, Iko is all talk, and Aph is the only one that can heal him (which isn't true anymore).

Needless to say, we have bonded in character in our own way. We have avoided the talk of captain since we know that for different reasons, many of us want it for our characters except for Aph. He said his purpose is to serve Besmara as her champion of the seas, and guide those into doing so as they need him.

We all loved the dynamic of the social start of the game, and although restricted early on by the fact that we were prisoners we never felt unable to do anything as we used our creativity to win over the crew. From in game singing, to sharing drinks, to gambling, to getting gifts, it all took a level of guile and cleverness as we each earned the respect of members of the crew on our own terms. The GM also did a lot of work on expanding each crew members back stories, making up several of them as he went and giving a wide range of personalities to keep them different from the last. Ultimately, we feel a connection with the NPC's each in our own way; although Conchobar is probably going to die next session, and have many that we would like to keep as we go into book two.

I wanted to share all of this because, I love TTRPG's and I enjoy sharing stories or reading the experiences of others just as much. So I do apologize for the long post and some of the run on's. I want to thank this board for answering some of my own character creation questions.

Drink up me hearties yo ho
submitted by Thanedor to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

Characters speaking patterns in Harry Potter (analysis)

I think every character in the Harry Potter bools/films has an abstract minimalistic speaking pattern
you can formulate those patterns with the help of a few concepts that I hope will be intuitive enough
I will analyze: Ron and Hermione and Draco (film Philosopher's Stone) and Lupin (film Prisoner of Azkaban) and Alastor and Snape and Dumbledore and Fudge and Lucius (film Golbet of Fire)
let's go: (remember: markings are just a tool to help you see)
Ron says "more concrete fact + *more vague fact*" (but I believe you can describe him even better)(visual-tangible analogy: soft)
examples: - **So-so it's true?* I mean, do you really have the...the...* - **They mean every flavour!* There's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach, liver and tripe. George sweared he got a bogey-flavoured one once!* - **Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard.* I got about 500 meself.* +++ **Oh, that's rotten luck.* They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.*
Hermione says fact or fact of life (that's important!) and outcome (visual-tangible analogy: sharp anf bright)
examples: - You *won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.* - We're *not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden.* - That's right. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you *come up with another clever idea to get us killed... or worse, expelled!***
Draco says facts sometimes connected by "logic" (visual-tangible analogy: long and smooth)
examples: - And I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy. Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. Well, soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. (pipeline of facts)
Lupin says most important facts connected by "logic" (visual-tangible analogy: soft/smooth, but a little bit stiff)
examples: - I'm very impressed. *That suggests** what you fear the most is fear itself. This is very wise.* - The very first time I saw you, Harry, I recognized you immediately. *Not by your scar, by your eyes.** They're your mother, Lily's.* - He had a certain, shall we say, talent for trouble. A talent, rumor has it, he passed on to you. You're more like them than you know, Harry. In time, you'll come to see just how much. - Your father never set much store by the rules *either. But he** and your mother gave their lives to save yours. Gambling their sacrifice by wandering the castle unprotected... with a killer on the loose seems to me a poor way to repay them!*
Snape says "a fact storngly connected to an *outcome*" (visual-tangible analogy: smooth and sharp)
examples: - Master I too find it difficult to believe this mere coincidence, if we are *to truly discover the meaning** of these events perhaps we should for the time being let them unfold.* - The use of this on a student is regrettably forbidden, however should you ever steal from my personal stores again, my hand *might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice.*** - Don't lie to me. Gilliweed might be innocuous, but boomslang skin? lacewing flies? You and your friends are brewing polyjuice potion and believe me *I'm going to find out why.***
Alastor (true or not) says about "states" (emotional states or processes that occupy some time) and "reasons" that led to them (visual-tangible analogy: a little soft and a little stiff)
examples: - I'm here *because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions? When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach.* - Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find somewhere else to put your chewing gum - Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this *will show you why.* - The killing curse. Only one person is known to *have survived it.** And he's sitting in this room.* - Come on, *we'll have** a cup of tea. I want to show you something.*
Dumbledore just says "the *most important** fact (at the moment)"* very unsurprisingly (visual-tangible analogy: long/soft and bright)
examples: - Sit down please. And now *the moment** you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!* - **What* do you suggest Minerva?* - Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last *the moment has arrived. The moment **only four of you can fully appreciate.* - A man has *died** here. And he won't be the last, you must take action.*
Fudge says "a state that is strongly connected to an *outcome*" (visual-tangible analogy: long and soft)
(like an envious man afraid *to loose his status***)
examples: - **I will not.* In times like these the wizard world looks to its leaders for strength Dumbledore.* - The tri-wizard tournament *will not be cancelled. I will not be seen** as a coward.* - Keep everybody in their seats. *A boy has just been killed. The body must be moved** Dumbledore, there are... too many people.*
Lucius says "fact + *most important fact*" (visual-tangible analogy: long + a little bright and a little musty)
examples: - Don't boast Draco. *There's no need with these people.*** +++ Do enjoy yourself won't you. *While you can.*** - **I assure you I never renounced the old ways.* The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence, that was my true mask.*
Here it is. (Sorry that I'm unable yet to analyze Harry)
Do you like it and do you want more? More characters, or more quotes, or more works of fiction...
(P.S.) I think it is also applicable to real people and texts of musical bands. So I think it may be important and so I want to share this "pattern language". I want to preserve the memory of the ones I love, I want to help them. These difficult times I take to heart, I know many old and very old people (chessclub) and my own health is weak and my love 19 y/older than me is in another country (I can't meet anyone). (This is my story)
submitted by Smack-works to harrypotter [link] [comments]

Wealth Formula Episode 227: Ask Buck Part 3

Catch the full episode:
Buck: Welcome back to the show everyone. So without further ado let's get to our first question. You know and these are you know these are from a while back here because we have quite a few questions so they might be a few weeks old. We have a couple questions here recorded from Srinivas one of our very active investors.
Srinivas: Hi Buck this is Srinivas. I wanted to thank you so very much for your podcast, the guests that you have and all the work that you put into it. I also wanted to thank you for the Wealth Formula Network and the excellent investment opportunities that you've presented to myself and others like me. My question is really more of a comment obviously. The Covid pandemic has really opened my and a lot of other people's eyes to the risks associated with real estate syndication investing one of the risks that was apparent to me only now is that the limited partner to me really seems at sort of the end of the line so when the Covid pandemic started and it really affected real estate starting in March. It seemed that most sponsors were really doing everything that they could to not only preserve the wealth and equity of the asset but also to preserve the income stream for everyone else except for the limited partners. So obviously they were making sure to still be able to pay taxes to be able to pay the mortgage but also they were still making sure to still be able to pay the workers on the property to pay the operation fees and to pay the asset management fees but it seems to me that the the one fee or cash flow that was disrupted and is being held is the distributions to the limited partners. A lot of syndicators are sort of holding those distributions to be paid at a later time and I just sort of wondering if this is what we can expect sort of going forward that is the limited partner investors seem to be the ones putting up the vast majority of the capital but when any problems arise they seem to be the ones who are suffering first from a lack of cash flow as opposed to all of the other players in the deal just wanted to see what your thoughts were on this. Again, thanks so much for all of your help. I really appreciate it.
Buck: It's a good question. It's a probing question so let's put it into context okay. So let's start with this idea any investment relies on the ability to make a profit after expense and so in this sense you are absolutely right, you're going to pay the mortgage, you're going to pay the taxes, these are very large assets, there are a large number of employees that need to get paid and managers that need to manage those employees and so remember the employees and all the other things are not making money as investors but rather again as employees of a business because every one of these assets is really fundamentally a small business you know in our opportunities in specific you know the general partners are on the same level as the limited partner in the sense that if distributions are not being made to the limited partners distributions of cash flow are not being made to the GP either. Now that brings up another issue that is important to understand and I've said it before and I'll say it again, just because you are not getting distributions right now, as I know you're not, that doesn't mean that you're not making a profit. You are making a profit, specifically, especially in the opportunities I know that you're involved with. Think about it this way, if you yourself owned a building by yourself okay let's not put it into a syndication context you'd still be paying a mortgage with principal interest you'd still be paying property taxes you'd still be paying your property manager and maintenance employees and then in that case again when do you make a profit well you only make a profit after all those expenses get paid right but you know given the financial uncertainty that we're in with the pandemic and an upcoming election which is typically very, very disruptive to any economic scenario, even in the scenario where you had your own building and you were still making some profit right now and you were getting these checks from the manager into your bank account, your operating bank account, you might be a little bit reluctant to spend that money right away, right? I mean after all what if we had a bad month? What if all of a sudden everything went into lockdown again? So wouldn't it be nice to be capitalized and feel like your capital is secure and I'm guessing the answer is yes because no one wants to go crazy with you know spending money that they don't know for sure that they're going to get to keep. So if the money though is in the bank you've already been paid by the property manager you own the building, is that your money? Yes it is your money, you're just not spending it. So basically that is no different with what's happening in the syndication scenario that you're in right now. In most cases as you know our offerings are exceeding pro forma and we're doing quite well. You and other investors certainly in our group are making money, are making a profit and you will see that on K1s. Furthermore, your basis of value in the sense of you know creating equity continues to go up meaning that your equity is growing, your money is still your money right, the profit is still your profit it's just in the bank right now and it's in the bank to you know to help keep your principal as safe as possible. Now think of it as an insurance policy basically right when this covid thing is clearly under control you know you're very likely just going to get a great big check representing multiple quarters as I know you know your equity is growing too at the same time. Now let me give you an example. One of our first group investments was a property in Mesa Arizona that we had planned to do our first refi you know around 24 months which would have been right about now for about 70 percent return of equity but right now refi well they're very difficult to do first of all because of banks are requiring significant principal and interest in escrow because they're kind of bracing for the potential worse too but if in doing so you would also end up taking away you know capital reserves of the of the asset which in this situation is really not that smart. Listen these are all small businesses and small businesses the most common reason for them to go out of business is to be under capitalized. So bottom line is again you the investor are making money it's just either sitting in a reserve account right now or growing you know with the appreciation of the asset or both. By the way you know I know again you're invested a number of these things through Western Wealth Capital stuff, I would highly encourage you to look at the basis of value numbers on your reports. Some of these returns are already looking I mean absolutely huge after 12 to 18 months and I don't know how closely you look at that but I would encourage you to do that it's a lot more you know I think the mistake that people are making right now is thinking that if their syndicator is not making distribution somehow the property is struggling and that's just not generally the case. In fact you know I don't know about other syndicators but I will say in general there is not a lot of distress in the system right now. So apartment apartment investors are generally doing pretty well so hopefully that answers your question and let's go to your next one Srinivas because I know you had a couple here.
Srinivas: Hi Buck. This is Srinivas. I want to thank you so much for all of your advice on the podcast and for the great opportunities to invest through the Wealth Formula Network. My question is a little bit of a technical question that pertains to preferred returns on the waterfall that many syndicators offer my question is this: do syndicators often also return a portion of the capital that's invested by limiting partners as a way to decrease the amount of distributions that they have to give to limited partners based upon this distribution waterfall? So for example keeping the numbers easy let's say that the syndicators raise an investment and a limited partner contributes a hundred thousand dollars and then let's say after year one the syndicator returns ten thousand dollars of that initial investment that is at the start they raised more than what was actually needed and then let's also say that there was a 10 preferred return as a part of the distribution waterfall so after the first year based on a initial hundred thousand dollar investment the investor would expect to get ten thousand dollars in that year but then in the second year based upon a 10 distribution waterfall because 10 percent of the cap of the initial 100000 capital was returned in addition to the percent return the investor investment is only ninety thousand dollars so in the second year by a ten percent preferred return the investor would only get nine thousand dollars. Sorry for this long explanation but I've heard that this is a way that some syndicators can kind of dupe investors into thinking that their preferred return is based on their initial investment as opposed to their investment throughout the deal. Again thanks so much for your insights as always and I was wondering what you thought of this technical question. Thanks again. Bye-bye.
Buck: Another probing question there Srinivas, you know without getting too much into the weeds, you are right. There's a lot of complicated various waterfall structures that can be used by general partners to make more money and as you've said it to make it seem a little bit deceptive. Here's what I would say my primary advice here and as you know in general this is kind of what we do in our group is stick to really simple structures where you're getting access to the upside and or aligned with the GP. I think the challenge is when you get into these you know waterfalls these constant shifts I think you know a lot of those kinds of things that you're talking about are possible, it becomes very convoluted. That's why, for me at least, you know the way that I have generally tried to look at things and certainly present things sometimes is in terms of annualized returns because for me that's kind of the easiest thing to understand. Sometimes you can really be fooled into thinking that you know you're getting something better than you are by the way somebody says it, I mean somebody says I'll give you 25 you know cash on cash on your investment, you're like wow that sounds great 25 cash on cash, but then all of this then you realize that the investment only lasted for four years so you know the next thing you know you've made just your capital back and you've made no money on top of that, that's obviously not you know necessarily something that you're you're seeing but you're going to see variations of what I'm talking about people in this space like in any space they are good at trying to push the buttons on what what less sophisticated investors might be looking at. My advice again is really to focus on annualized returns because annualized returns typically are going to give you a little bit better of an idea in terms of you know what the true return on and on a yearly basis is expected to be. People get caught up in this preferred return things which is in my view the concept of preferred returns is totally overrated. People get excited about preferred cash flow returns because they think it they they think that it somehow suggests some kind of guaranteed return which which as you know it really is not it's funny you know with one of the models that I know you're you are familiar with there is no preferred return and I get this question from new investors all the time well why is there no pref and I said well there's no pref because there is no money that's you know no cash flow or capital gains that are going to the operator until you have 100 of your capital back and so in that regard it's not a preferred return or you can say it's a preferred return that is you know infinite until you get your money back but these whole preferred returns are you know in my in my mind a little bit misleading too because in most cases the preferred return is also incumbent on the you know the asset itself actually producing that much cash flow so at the end of the day I don't think you know that much about preferred returns. I like to focus on what is the split what is the alignment between the limited partner and the general partner and ultimately looking at pro formas you know once once you realize you know if the performers are realistic trying to get a sense of what an annualized return projection is anyway that's pretty simplified answer but I think the moral of the story is for me is simply just to keep it simple.
Okay next question from Tuan. This is a written question. Hi Buck. I am a high W-2 healthcare provider. I wanted to start investing in buy and hold rental to generate passive income and benefit from tax breaks but I just found out that I can't use any of the tax benefits to offset my active income. Is it worth it for a busy health care provider to start a portfolio of small multi-family or would I be better off investing passively into syndications?
Well let's start with the issue of you not being able to use your losses well unfortunately you are right there, you cannot write off these wonderful real estate losses against your W-2 income and that's why people do things like have their you know spouse quit their job and become a real estate professional so that you know the real estate then when you're filing jointly some of those losses can actually offset your W-2 income. If you're not going to do that, if you're not going to find a new spouse to do that or whatever it takes to get the real estate professional status, the goal ultimately at that point is to create a robust flow of passive income where you can use those paper losses right, I mean that's the name of the game. So sometimes the reality is that people have lots of passive income but they don't even know it and let me give you an example okay, a number of our investors physicians and such have ancillary income in the form of surgical centers, hospitals, maybe they have dialysis centers whatever, and I'm not talking about a few bucks, I'm talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars that their CPAs are not considering passive income for some reason. If you are one of those people who can identify or even create these kinds of robust flows of passive income then you can use those big losses from real estate you know like bonus depreciation et cetera to offset that income. I'm not a CPA but I'll tell you that's what I know. Okay now as for this question of direct verse direct investment versus syndication, it's a slightly different question it's a very different question of course and for most people in our high income cohort the only reason really to invest directly into real estate in my opinion is because A you like being a landlord, and most people realize they don't like being a landlord they like real estate but they really like what real estate does for them rather than you know being a landlord or you want to get the real estate professional designation which we've talked about before and you know for one of the spouses in a marriage for example and then you can potentially use those passive losses get applied to your W-2 income. I mean that is you know that's sort of the holy grail, if you can do that now if that's not possible if that's not the goal my opinion and again it's my opinion is that you're much better off spending your time finding you know the right operators to invest with passively okay making material money in real estate you know and doing it consistently doing it well it takes time, it takes effort and that's just a fact there's no denying that people sometimes think that they're gonna make more money if they buy properties themselves instead of going through syndications and in my experience that generally ends up not being the case you know for a number of reasons I mean not excluding the fact that people don't often have the expertise or time to do it but if you look at like you know my personal investments that I have as a passive I mean I'm consistently yielding well over 20 annualized I'm not talking about anything that I'm doing I'm talking about my limited partnership investments that I have in my portfolio so I'm consistently yielding 20 annualized or better now most people can't do that well on their own because they again they don't have the expertise to optimize the profitability of the asset and even if they do pretty well they often find themselves putting a lot of time and effort into these properties which you may or may not like doing. Now with regard to time and effort remember your time is actually worth something as well especially if you're a high paid professional and if you're spending 10 hours per month even on real estate the cost of your time has to be factored into that ROI so you know bottom line is you know if you are one of those individuals who whose hourly is like 400 an hour well if you're spending 10 hours a week on real estate you better you know you have to make 4 000 a month more from your active activity compared to what you would make as a passive to make it actually make make sense right so bottom line is for most people choosing the right the group or operator might be a better option you know especially if you're a busy person and that's of course you know I'll put a shameless plug in again there for our Investor Club which you can sign up for at if you're accredited.
Next question is from Cindy. Hi Buck I have a simple question. I've often heard that rich people don't gamble their money in stock markets since they have other investment tools that offer higher returns at less risk, however, I also heard in the news that all this stock rally this year only benefits the rich since the poor do not own stocks these two sentences sound contradictory so are we talking about two different groups of rich people here? Well thanks I love listening your podcast as always and learn from them. Well thank you Cindy. Listen I think the quote about rich people not investing in the stock market is first of all it's not true and who are rich people anyway? Are we talking about you know people who make a million dollars a year is that rich people? That's not what the people who are making 10 or you know 20 million a year or worth 100 million they don't think of the 500000 to a million dollar people as rich people but you know listen I think the point is that you know when you're talking about wealthy people in general I think the idea is not that they don't own stocks I think the point is that their entire portfolio is not sitting in a bunch of mutual funds with huge fees inside of an IRA you know the wealthier people generally you know they obviously do have significant stock portfolios but also remember that they are usually people with a lot of direct investments as well so a number of real asset investments or you know you see a lot in wealthy people you see these products these life insurance products like Wealth Formula Banking or Velocity Plus type things which you can check out at You know listen while most everyone I know who is wealthy owns a substantial amount of real estate I would not say that they do not own stocks as well so I think that's the bottom line. Personally you know I like the idea of owning equities if there are guard rails similar to the ones you see in something like Velocity Plus which again is that you can see a webinar on that at wealth and something that actually allows you to take the upside and leverage it but allows you to skip you know a year that actually goes negative. I mean those kinds of products are used by the wealthy all of the time and they're called generally speaking they're called you know premium finance IUL's or you know LIRPs which are Life Insurance Retirement Plans those are things that you know the ultra wealthy are really into. Bottom line is you know these statements I think they're too generalized and you know it's just that the wealthier you are generally speaking the better you are at you know taking or your advisors or whatever it is or at you know making sure that you maximize your profits and mitigating your losses. Well that's quite a few questions here so I am going to take a quick break and we'll finish up when we come back.
Okay welcome back everyone the next question here is from Aneesh. Aneesh says, high Buck. I'm a soon to be PGY2 resident physician in other words that means he's almost in the second year. In recent months I've been getting into personal finance and ideas for financial independence. I came across your podcast. I've enjoyed listening to it. Just wanted to get your take as a resident with nominal income and time at hand, are there things you think I could or should be doing aside from maybe a Roth IRA over the next few years to lay the foundation for building this wealth and getting to that next step? Okay well listen Aneesh that’s a good question and I will just say something that goes against the grain of all of these probably all these other you know physician bloggers and stuff like that honestly as a second year resident I personally don't think it makes any difference what you do right now. Residency is weird. You get paid pretty much nothing for a few years then suddenly you had a huge raise and if I were you I'd spend all of your resources right now on education, financial education and trying to understand how you can position yourself when you do have the money when it starts coming in. I think the idea of you know you know trying to do too much with as little as you have in terms of time and money it might just be a waste of time you know I'll that's my honest opinion on that but again it's just my opinion. One thing though I will say that that I would consider if I could go back and doing it, and it sort of depends on where you live and stuff, if you really want to get started on something in real estate and the market seems like you know that it's possible for you do you could look at one of these FHA loans where they have you put down three percent and specifically to buy a multi-family you know like a four unit or three unit building it's up to four units residential. So what's cool about that is that's actually something where you don't need a lot of cash to put down and it's something that you might be able to do with your limited income and then build equity while letting the other tenants pay for your rent. So that's like the one thing I think if I was going back I would be thinking about you know retirement accounts etc I think that's fine I mean you know what money are you gonna put in a Roth right now five grand a year how far is that gonna go? Is it gonna be meaningful? I mean I guess it would, I just don't think it's something I would spend too much time thinking about.
Anyway okay so next question what are your operators of course talking about the different partnerships we have in Investor Club he says what are your plans or strategies if no more Covid payments are made from the government to tenants so we're talking about apartments obviously well first I think it's extremely unlikely that the government stops paying tenants because you know essentially that would mean they're like eliminating unemployment which isn't going to happen. Also remember we are in working class apartments so you know generally speaking we're in areas that the cost of living index is not very high so their rent is not that high for how much money they make even if they're on unemployment and then the next major issue there is that the majority of our tenants currently are not unemployed so and I don't see unemployment getting worse at this point either. However to answer your question about well what are your strategies, I mean what are you going to do to make sure or to mitigate the risks? The biggest thing we're doing is being well capitalized so that again that goes back to Srinivas's questions about well why are we not getting paid or you know we're whatever listen we're just staying capitalized so that we can weather the storm. There's just money sitting in the bank account it doesn't guarantee that we're going to be fine. Nothing's guaranteed in life. Your stocks aren't guaranteed that's for sure. However there are thousands of owners of these kinds of apartment buildings who I can pretty much guarantee you would lose their properties before our partnerships and our in our operators and the reason for that is capitalization we are very very well capitalized and you know as for this idea of you know all of these buildings getting foreclosed on etc and taken back I just don't see Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac letting that happen. They're not in the business of taking back apartments that would be an absolute disaster for them and for the economy and so if a scenario like that happened I'd truly believe we'd see a huge bailout of some kind for our industry but listen, the best we can do is what we're doing right now and you'll be happy to know that we're actually doing really really well, our portfolio right now is performing at you know Covid levels or better so you know listen we just need to keep staying ahead of the curve and as long as we do that I truly believe we're going to be just fine.
The next question is from Christian Schultz. Okay so Christian asks Buck, perhaps this is one that can be raised on webinar but Western Wealth Capital relies heavily on upfront depreciation, raising the cap rate through improvements and then refinancing of the resale. What are the implications to this model if Biden wins the White House and democrats take the senate as well? Is there any indication that they would do away with depreciation allowances or change the tax loss surrounding multi-family real estate if the ability to take maximal depreciation up front were done away with the market for multi-family real estate could dry up. Thoughts? No I don't think so, actually at all, for one thing remember that idea of you know the market you know the ability to take that maximal depreciation upfront is only like two years old I mean so I don't see any indication of that drying up at all you know listen, so the only real change that sounds like from from my understanding of the Biden laws in terms of us really relate to people who own real estate there's challenges to potentially to 1031s etc. I don't think it would affect us because it sounds like what it would affect is mostly the elimination of bonus depreciation with cost segregation analysis which is set to sunset anyway in 2022. So let's just review that real quick because a lot of people may not even know what a cost segregation analysis is but a cost segregation analysis is basically an engineering study done by you know an investor to segregate the property into what is considered real property which is like you know the land and this the big old building that you got there versus chattel or personal property which is like stuff you can pull out of it cabinets or you know whatever washer dryers et cetera real property is depreciated over 27 and a half years so that's mostly if you do nothing if you do know you don't do a cost segregation analysis in apartments it's going to be a straight line but if you do a cost segregation analysis the personal property part can be depreciated over five years and that is the exciting thing because in apartments it ends up being sometimes that about 30 percent. I've noticed on average of apartment buildings end up being considered the acquisition price considered chattel or personal property so you could depreciate that over five years and that has been the rule of the land for years and years and years it's been a great tax advantage to real estate investors for a very very long time and to be clear there is nothing in the Biden plan that suggest any challenge to these elements of the tax code. Now bonus depreciation use with cost segregation analysis was, as I mentioned this was new, I mean this started with Trump with the tax code that allowed you to take that five years that I just mentioned of accelerated depreciation and hyper accelerate it into all into the first year so if you were either a real estate professional or have a lot of passive income like we talked about maybe of a surgery center or whatever that was a huge huge advantage and it is a huge huge advantage and it will be until it's not anymore so take advantage of it if you can. But you know the reality is for most people investing passively it's not going to make much of a difference either though you know so bottom line is I don't think limited partner investors have much to worry about frankly, but I will say if you're benefiting from bonus depreciation ride that baby as long as you can.
All right, last question here and it's from Cindy. She says we are all familiar with Robert Kiyosaki's famous saying “your house is not an asset” and from financial perspective I totally agree especially since I live in a state where housing is expensive, however renting has its own limitations, for example we can't design the house we want, tiles, paint, etc. We also can't dictate how long we want to stay in the house. If the landlord decides to sell a home while renting. May be easy for young folks with no kids. Those of us with kids might find the potential instability quite a bit of downside. So what's your view on taking out as much HELOC, home equity line of credit on the primary residence as we can to invest in opportunities that generate a higher return than the interest that we need to pay the bank. It's not perfect since most banks would only allow a certain percentage of the loan to value but would that be a good compromise to this question? So there's no real perfect answer here, right, there's two ways I would look at this question and then I'll leave it to yourself to determine what you think, but first there's the question if you look at it purely from the math and the math answer is quite simple right? If you can get returns higher than the interest you're paying on your HELOC then the math is easy and you should maximize that home equity line of credit to the hilt right and invest it. You should do that if it's purely a mathematical question. Also in benefit of that argument of doing that remember equity in your home is really just dead money. It's not doing anything and it's also a big target for creditors and you know mortgages and HELOCs are if you think of it that way are potentially the best asset protection you can have on your house. And the final thing in favor of doing the HELOC maximizing leveraging is that the truth of the matter is that the banks are far less likely to foreclose on a home with no equity. So they might be willing to work with you more if you stripped out all the equity from your home, got yourself in trouble, again that's the math side of this but at the end of the day when it's your personal residence, there is a psychological element to this as well which I understand and appreciate. You know there is something to me well and to a lot of people that is psychological about not having to worry about paying a lot of money to stay in your home. So bottom line is I don't think there is a black and white answer here and as long as you know the specific issues you need to do what you need to do to feel feel like you can sleep that night. Now one last compromise that I've heard particularly in Wealth Formula Network which I think is really really smart is okay maybe you don't keep a lot of equity in your home but you're keeping you know you're keeping an equivalent amount of equity in some other you know in some other place where you can access it. So for example maybe you've taken a hundred thousand dollars of equity out of your home but you have a hundred thousand dollars accessible to you in a Wealth Formula Banking policy that's thrown off five and a half percent compounding. Now the advantage in a situation like that is well when can you not access your home equity line of credit? Well unfortunately usually it's when you really really need it right so if your credit is gone or all of a sudden you lose your job that's when you're not going to be able to you know get a home equity line of credit. So some people that I've talked to have said well what I'm going to do is I'm going to strip out the equity put that equity into something like a Wealth Formula Banking policy where it's better for me to keep it and I know the banks won't lock me out of their system when times get tough. Anyway that's something to consider.
We're gonna wrap it up here we've been going for a while and that actually wraps up three sessions of Ask Buck and I hope you enjoyed it. Again if you like this kind of stuff, join us in Wealth Formula Network go to This is Buck joffrey with Wealth Formula Podcast signing off.
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r/formula1 – I'm an F1 Engineer/Strategist, Ask Me Anything... (pt 2)

Previous post here.
Questions Answers
How many times in a year do you think you get race day strategy 100% correct? I would say we never get it 100% correct. Race day strategy isn't just about picking the correct number of stops and stop laps for both cars.
Did we take every last drop of grip out of the tyres before we pitted? Did we pressure cars ahead the right amount at every point? Did we back off and protect the tyres the right amount at every point? Did we communicate to the driver exactly what we were trying to achieve and therefore get 100% out of them at every instant in the race? Was the modelling accurate and useful? etc. etc.
We will always be searching for marginal/incremental improvements in everything we do.
I’m in high school and am planning on going to school to become a mechanical engineer, so my question is this: how available are engineering jobs in F1, or just motorsport in general? Of course, being an F1 engineer would be a dream, but I have no idea how difficult it would be to actually find a job I have to be honest and say that jobs in motorsport and especially F1 are not plentiful and that they are often oversubscribed many times over.
I would not let that put you off though, at your age you have a lot of time to pick up skills, experiences and knowledge that will help you in the endeavor of getting a job in motorsport.
I would also say that perseverance is almost an essential quality in finding a job in F1. I, and many others I know, were turned down for roles multiple times and at various points thought we would never get our dream jobs in F1.
Hey, Randy! Thanks for doing this awesome AMA. You have talked a lot about getting into F1 for a career as an Engineer. I was hoping you could shed a bit of light in what skillsets/qualifications you look for in candidates who work as the mechanics and the pitstop crew on a given race weekend. Again, Thanks for doing this. I have read through every one of your answers and they were as much fun to read as they were enlightening about the sport we love. So this is not my area of expertise, although I do spend a lot of time working with the pitcrew - so please take this with a pinch of salt but I think below are the main things we look for:
* Some prior experience in building and servicing of race cars or bikes.
* An ability to understand and follow (often complex) procedures.
* A proactive nature (e.g. when reporting faults or build issues).
* Dealing well with a high pressure and time constrained workload and environment.
* An attention to detail and a willingness to learn.
* Ability to read and interpret technical drawings.
* Fabrication and machining skills.
Really cool to hear from you Randy. How have you and the team at McLaren been spending your time with everything that’s been going on with Covid-19? Hope we can see you go racing in Austria in July! So F1 teams have all been subject to an extended "shutdown" meaning that most of us haven't been allowed to work on F1 projects and many of us, consequently, have not been working in recent weeks.
Personally, I've used the time to try and get fit, having averaged c. 4 hours and 15 minutes of exercise every day since April 1st (yes I do have a spreadsheet), as well as trying to learn some new skills like React.
Many of the team have used the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones, which can be difficult with hectic schedules, to improve their cooking skills (I have eaten the best pizza I've ever had during lockdown!), do gardening and so on.
Everyone seems eager to get back to it and most teams will be returning to work over the next fortnight.
Hi Randy. Thanks so much for doing this, the answers so far have been really insightful. Can I ask, as an armchair fan, what can I look for over the course of the weekend to help me predict likely strategic calls on race day? The main 2 factors are tyre behaviour (degradation, wear life and pace difference) and pitstop loss. From here you can get a basic understanding of the strategy before competitors are thrown into the mix.
Pirelli kindly provide some of the information each weekend on tyres and you can estimate the rest from FP2 long runs towards the end of the session. Pitstop loss is also often given by some teams (maybe rounded or slightly noisified - but close enough to give you the right number of stops).
With those 2 things you can work out the baseline strategy if you were racing alone and then you want to be considering the cars that are a pitstop window ahead and behind and see whether you would stop earlier or later than the baseline based on undercutting, traffic and so on.
Thank you so much for doing this AMA! During last year's German GP, I remember that a lot of us fans were interested in contrasting approaches made by two teams as the track started to dry up. One driver saw that the track was dry enough for slicks, called it in, and got the go ahead to take the gamble; he ended up coming very close to a podium. Another driver made similar observations and appealed repeatedly to his engineer to make the switch, but was instructed to stay out for several more laps, costing him points. I understand hindsight is 20/20 here, but if you were the engineer, would you be more inclined to take the driver's word when they potentially contradict the data, or vice versa? Do you believe there's a "correct" approach in situations like these, or a personal preference? Again, thank you so much! (Typed from my “Mclaren Edition” phone...I can't wait for the season to start, and I really wish you guys the best!) Thank you for the kind words!
I think there is a lot you don't see (not your fault) when it comes to strategic decisions, this is amplified many times over in a wet or changeable conditions race, where decisions are extremely difficult, with lots of information, of varying quality/frequency.
I think we have learnt that it depends. Sometimes, we will weight the driver's input higher than anything else, sometimes it will be the least valuable information.
Do you employ many Americans on the team, and if so what does it take? Assuming they have the technical credentials of engineering. So we have nothing against Americans, nor people of other nationalities - having the right to work in the UK is sometimes required although we do also help with visa applications this isn't always possible for us to do.
In terms of Americans on the team, we have Zak Brown, of course and I'll be honest and say I can't think of any others at the moment, although we have had a few placement students in recent years from the United States.
There's no extra requirement for Americans, especially as we're moving to Mercedes powerunits soon, we won't have too many issues with the pronunciation of Renault anymore.
What kind of people do you have in the strategy department? Are they mostly engineers, or like mathematicians and computer scientists? Although we are largely engineers by degree, we don't really discriminate against other backgrounds and are often quite keen to add a diversity of ideas and backgrounds into the mix - a numerate degree is going to be very helpful though.
We are 60% mechanical engineers, 1 engineemathematician hybrid and 1 physicist.
Is it unusual to go from entry-level engineer to head of strategy in 6-7 years? What do you think drove your success? I think it actually happened even a bit quicker than that - which had never been my expectation when I started.
It's hard to say what is unusual, there are so few "race strategists" in the world, let alone in F1 that I think there's not really a "usual" and often timescales can be quite variable based on circumstance (e.g. someone leaving/changing role).
I guess the success is driven by the confidence and belief in the strategy team, of which I am just a part - so the fact that the other members of the team are so good, that management above us let us independently improve and change our processes without blame nor interference etc. is what has really driven it. Also have the much wider strategy team that includes 10s of volunteers to thank - it truly is a team effort and no single person would have the impact they do without the team around them.
Does race strategist cooperate with aerodynamics department in any way? So, I can't go into details but yes we do. Strategy is a really cool role because we end up dealing with pretty much all other areas - as we also cover things like Competitor Intelligence and Sporting matters.
In a more typical sense, just thinking about race strategy, there are a few areas that spring to mind, aerodynamicists and other engineers will be setting things like the wing level and the trades made here can affect performance in qualifying vs. the race, something that we as strategists are well placed to comment on the value of and also for setting cooling levels, we're responsible for weather forecasting and interpretation and so will often liaise with our aerodynamics colleagues about the risks of it being hotter than certain limits.
the below is a reply to the above
Could you unpack a bit on what "competitor intelligence" does? Thanks! "Mr Holmes, I would love to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
I'm afraid that in this case the answer is no. All I can say is that we do some pretty neat things using the various kinds of information (audio, video, images, data, quotes, etc.) to gain intelligence on things like relative performance, other teams and so on.
What’s your proudest moment in F1 to date? Another tough one!
What makes me proudest is the Strategy team at McLaren. The team consists of around 5 people at its core and I can honestly say that they are the most talented, motivated, most passionate and smartest collection of individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Everyone's level naturally rises when you work with people of this calibre and although the team is constantly looking for areas of improvement, challenging each other - it is also really just fun. I am very proud that I've played a part in pulling in each of my strategy teammates.
One other thing that gets close (other than Grand Prix which I'll cover in another answer) is Mission Control. McLaren were kind enough to give me the opportunity to manage the project to design a new Mission Control from scratch, build and deploy it. We were responsible for building contractors, ventilation, budget, aesthetic, even unpacking and setting up over 30 machines. The Mission Control room is an awesome facility and we built it together as a team. A lot of it is secret but here's a photo you are allowed to see:
Hello, Do you go on reddit and check this sub sometimes? I would say more frequently than sometimes and I'm not the only one who works in F1 than does.
The content on here can be amazing at times - from some of the photos, to some of the data visualisations - and sometimes it is just fun to read comments and see how different our perspective of a race/event can be to that of fans.
You've talked about refuelling in a previous answer, and how it might affect strategies, but what is your opinion on the current tyres, and how they basically force the teams to do a two-stop strategy? Would you prefer if the tyres were manufactured in a way that makes them more durable? Thank you! So, I would start by saying the tyres don't force teams into 2 stop strategies, however, the front-runners will have a higher propensity for 2 stops over 1 stops in the current regime, which may present a more skewed picture to fans.
I believe and I think my colleagues and competitors agree, that good racing does involve some strategic flexibility and variety and a good sweet spot is to have races that are at crossover between 2 an 3 stop strategies (crossover means the timings and track position work out such as to be roughly equal).
However, Pirelli are in an unenviable position with regards to giving us tyres that would encourage 2 or 3 stop crossover events, as the drivers also need to be able to push the tyres lap after lap to get good racing.
So you can see that Pirelli have to try and balance both concerns and I think with that in mind they are doing a good job of finding a balance.
The strategy with sainz in Brazil was amazing man Thanks for the kind words but the strategy in Brazil (I hope) was as good as in Austria, or Hungary, etc. We didn't do anything particularly special but in this case the outcome was particularly good - we try and judge ourselves on our decisions/processes/analysis rather than the outcome as the outcome/result can be dependent on chance which is outside our control.
Have you found any books in particular helpful when it comes to the soft skills required working in a multi-department environment, also when it comes to the overarching strategic principles. Building on that, how often do you find yourself acting against the data/conclusions presented to you in favour of your own observations or “common sense” I think the most useful book has been Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as it really demonstrates the importance of teamwork. Mark Corrigan's seminal "Business Secrets of the Pharaohs" and Michael Scott's "Somehow I Manage" are also essential reading.
Seriously though, a difficult one, I think a lot of skills are picked up outside of books, things like logical problem-solving, being extremely pro-active, etc. however, some books that I find have been useful are:
* Thinking Fast and Slow (almost essential reading, Thinking in Bets is also good)
* The Intelligent Entrepreneur (very inspiring)
* Outliers (to try and replicate some of the factors)
* Legacy (a great book about teamwork and management)
* Resonant Leadership (given to me by manager and a great read)
Speaking from a career standpoint, does having a background in something like biology factor into a possible role at all? Something of a mix of Biology and Engineering (Biomed, Bioengineering etc)? Thanks! It can do - I specialised in Biomedical Engineering as one of my electives in my final year at university, by the way.
Especially in strategy, different viewpoints/experiences/backgrounds can be very useful.
So we're hearing that Austria and maybe Britain is going ahead, is McLaren prepping for this or are they waiting for official word from Formula 1 I can't comment on the calendar as it stands as that would be breaking confidentiality. However, I can say that Liberty and the FIA are working tirelessly to bring a calendar together and it was something that we all discussed yesterday in the Sporting Working Group and is no doubt being discussed on a daily basis in other forums also.
The teams, including McLaren, are trying as well to prepare for the season starting soon whilst remaining flexible such that if there are changes we can adapt to them quickly and well.
How do you judge a mandatory 2 pit stops instead of only one? Can this make the races more enjoyable in your opinion? Thanks I don't think mandatory 2 stop strategies are a good idea. I can talk about this openly as its something we have debated with other teams, the FIA and Liberty as well and as a group we decided against it.
The reason I don't like mandatory 2 stop strategies is that it is artificial and artificial constraints (I believe) will lead to more strange/bad occurrences than good ones.
The benefit of mandatory 2 stop strategies is that everyone will make 2 stops which on average is more stops than we currently do and we believe that more stops (to a limit) typically lead to more exciting races.
However, the downside is that this is purely artificial. If the race is a clear 1 stop and we add a second stop artificially then it's more likely that that stop could be placed in a strange spot, because the sensitivity to its timing could be low - you may see cars pitting very early or late into the race and therefore the race is still like a 1 stop (you don't get the full benefit on racing of the second stop) - especially with a point for fastest lap.
You may then argue that we could force the second stop into a particular window, or set a limit on stint lengths. This also has issues, with cars likely to be concentrated on one side of the window and then there may need to be more artificial constraints.
I very firmly believe that the best way to encourage more stops is to keep constraints on strategists light and influence the primary factors that determine how many stops there are, that is:
* Pitloss (decrease = positive pressure on number of stops).
* Tyre behaviour (worse behaviour = positive pressure on number of stops).
What's it like working for the most positive and happiest team? Let me ask some of my friends at other teams and I'll get back to you soon.
Only kidding 😁 ! I can't say if McLaren is the most positive/happiest team as I've not been everywhere, but its certainly the most fun, positive, happy, smart, etc. etc. team I've ever worked at.
I love it. It's the people that make McLaren (and I know that's a cliche) special and I enjoy working in such a tight-knit, funny, motivated team.
What was the most difficult race strategy wise in your F1 career? My first race, I think stands outs - the 2013 Australian Grand Prix. I started work on January 2nd that year (my first real job in F1), had no strategy experience, had to do lots of winter reporting and had no strategy mentor (as the previous strategist had left already). I'm not sure "baptism of fire" and "thrown into the deep-end" are mixable metaphors but that's what it felt like.
To make matters more "interesting", the data showed and I was convinced that it would be a multiple stop (probably 3 stop) grand prix, based on what we had observed in Winter Testing and during Friday and Saturday running. This was in sharp contradiction to recent history at the Australian Grand Prix - so there were many heated discussions over this (with the majority of the team heavily disagreeing with it being more than a 1 stop race and every member having much more experience than I).
Turns out lack of experience can be an advantage sometimes. Teams tended to do a 2 or 3 stop race, but the latter was much better. Teams were reluctant to add stops given experience and recent history of the Australian Grand Prix and this pushed many into poor strategies, rather than adapting to the tyre behaviour we were observing.
2013 was an interesting year for strategy, with empirical data and lack of bias being really important to getting the strategies right. If you were to look through those races there are certain teams that flip-flopped a lot and others that quickly adapted to the new 'normal'.
Hi Randy, I don't know if this is already over but I'll try anyway. It's no surprise that working in F1 in any capacity must be extremely competitive. Is there any chance for someone considering a career change to be able to get a foot in the door? I work in investment management and realise that I want to be as close to my passion as possible. I'm open to pretty much any job just to get in. Naturally Id hope to have some transferable skills but i would focus on the chance to build skills and potentially go from there. Any advice? Thanks! I think perseverance and desire are key and yes it is possible. Coincidentally, I was working in the investment industry when I was offered the chance to take a full time role in strategy for the 2013 season.
I had worked at Williams for my final year project at university, but had been "out of the game" for a couple years when I got the offer to return.
Hello Randy, I am sorry if this has already been asked. But I would like to know your thoughts on: The new strategy involved on the new regulations/ground affect designs on the new Formula 1 vehicles? Is this a step in the right direction? Love to hear an professional / insider view on these new changes to the sport as the team Engineers do not seem to have a big say in the acceptace of the design limitations from FIA. I personally think the new regulations (Sporting, Technical and Financial) are moving the sport in the right direction and so am looking forwards to them being introduced over the coming years.
I would also say, as it may not be obvious to fans, that teams and engineers are heavily involved in these regulations. Whether that is us helping to draft parts of them, sense check them, vote on them, etc. it is a very open, constructive forum between the teams, the FIA and FOM (and other external experts as required).
Day 5: Mr. Singh is still answering questions. He's now one of us. LEGEND, and thanks to McLaren for allowing this. -Best AMA yet? DCanswered4questions. Haha thank you!
I will probably have to stop soon - but have a few more answers coming on a few families of question I haven’t yet answered. 🙂
Hi, Randy, Your answers are great, thank you! One of my most favorite McLaren performances of recent years was Fernando's insane race in Azerbaijan in 2018, when he had a double tyre puncture but still managed to finish 7th. Were you still his personal strategist back then? What was your role in his success? What were you thoughts when you saw him limping to the pits on two wheels? What did you do after that? What a race, eh? "Personal" strategist, you make us sound like mathematical butlers... 😁.
I wasn't Fernando's strategist at that time, Chris (one of our team) had already taken over by then and I was leading the team. It was not an easy race, although it may look like we sat back and watched, there's a lot of decisions made that you don't see and a lot of decisions made not to do stuff.
It was a good team effort from everyone to stay calm and try and pick up the pieces after the incident on the first lap, when the car rolled into the pits we did consider retiring it - but as a famous paper salesman once said "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take". What outsiders (who get special access) often notice is that the team stays calm, you can't get wobbly or excited over the incident/accident, you need to be calm, methodical and logical.
Great ama I think this is my favourite question so far. 😀
To be honest, the questions are very interesting and I have had so many people answer questions for me when I was in the position of being a fan/student and that changed my life by helping me get my dream job. If I can give back a fraction of the help/information I've received then I'll feel very happy!
How contagious is Landos laugh? I don't know about you but I find it quite grating. Do you know the feeling you get when you hear someone scratch their nails across a blackboard, or when your alarm goes off and you're still tired?
In all seriousness though, Lando is a funny guy and does always keep the mood nice and light.
Hi Randy. Who is your favourite member of the IT team? Sincerely, Definitely not a member of the IT team. Trick question! I don't have a favourite member of the IT team. 😁
Is there any role for physicians/doctors on race teams? As doctors, I would probably say no. Most teams won't employ their own doctors anymore or will do so in a very limited capacity.
However, that doesn't mean we don't have medical support, it tends to come through external organisations that support F1, such as Formula Medicine, for example, or the FIA's Medical Programme.
We also occasionally get applications for strategists who have a medical background - and that isn't something we look down upon, if anything it may provide a skillset/experiences that would be complementary to those of 'mostly engineers'.
I understand you may not answer because this may be sensitive, but Which method of steering the ship do you think is more effective ? The steely dictatorial grip of Ron Dennis or the More lenient managerial approach of Zak brown ? From a fan perspective, I love that mclaren drivers aren’t on such a tight leash. I never really worked under Ron as I joined in mid-2015. I have to say that the management style I’ve experienced throughout has been great - no blame culture, very open and understanding, letting the experts make decisions, etc.
Have you ever sat on the pitwall at the start and said (even to yourself) "And it's lights out and away we go."? I haven’t! I imagine I now will at whichever Grand Prix we get the pleasure of starting first this year.
Is Ferrari’s strategy as much of a running joke in the paddock as it is by the fans and here on reddit? Maybe you can’t really answer that truthfully but I’ve always been curious. It’s obviously a difficult job but I do wonder if they shoot themselves in the foot as often as it seems from the fans perspective. Answered elsewhere in the thread.
It's a difficult, stressful job, so you always have respect for your competitors.
In your experience, would adding flame decals to my truck make it go faster? Where are you going to place them? What colour are the flames?
Hey randy, i am a 15 year old girl who lives in india and my dream is to become a formula one engineer or work in f1 in anyway. What do u think are the educational qualifications needed to become a formula 1 engineer and what exposure do u think i need to even be close to full filling my dream. I have been following mclaren f1 team for quite some while now and love the friendly environment inside the team. As PapaKeth says, hopefully there are some answers to your question about what qualifications are required in my other comments.
Can I say though, don't let being 15, female, or living in India deter you - none of those things are a blocker to getting a job in F1 in the future.
Hi ! Thank you for answering some of our questions ! I've been wanting to ask, in the event of a car failure ( engine failure, hydraulics failure, etc) how do you become aware of it ? Do you have a real time data link to the car as an engineer ? Or is it something you see on a TV ? So we get data from the cars "live", there are hundreds of sensors on each car and this data is transmitted to us at the track and we also transmit it back to HQ in Woking. There are tens of people looking at the data and typically we will spot problems in the data, or based on feedback from the drivers, before we see them on TV.
That doesn't mean that we never spot stuff on TV first - sometimes you don't have instrumentation for certain things and so you may spot it visually first and the TV feed is a good way of sense-checking in some cases as well.
Do you think Stoffel deserved to still be in F1? (Not necessarily with McLaren) 100% - he is a great talent and I'm very glad that he is doing so well in Formula E.
Hi, thanks for doing this Q&A. Working for an F1 team is the dream, though I understand it's very difficult to get in. I'm disabled, would this matter to an employer? Do you have any advice on how I could approach this to someone as I'm just finishing my first year at University and hoping to apply for internships. Also, (sorry if you've answered this question already) I am studying Mathematics probably going to move into Mathematics and Statistics. Would it be possible to apply for a strategist position with a Mathematics degree? Your disability should not matter to an employer and I really believe it will not. We have people with disabilities working at McLaren. Perhaps if it is something you are concerned about or if its a disability that a team (or McLaren) could help make easier to manage (apologies if my wording is not sensitive) then I would highlight that in your application when you apply for a role.
Mathematics is entirely sensible as a background for a strategist role. I started off in Mathematics (& Statistics) before I moved over to Engineering (I found Mathematics at university to be too abstract for my liking). If you are doing Statistics anything that covers stochastic modelling would be particularly relevant to strategy.
I want to work in F1 in the future and preferably an engineer role. Would studying Mechanical Engineering be the best course to get a chance? Thanks I would say the majority of F1 engineers have studied Mechanical Engineering but that doesn't necessarily equate to it giving you the best chance of getting in. Engineering skills (and particularly mechanical engineering skills) will make you suitable for a multitude of roles in an F1 team (from strategy, to design engineering, to race engineering and performance analysis), so naturally you would expect more mechanical engineers.
I would have a think about the role that you would like to do and what qualifications would give you the best chance for that role, it could be that its Computer Science instead, or Aerodynamics, or maybe it is Mechanical Engineering. I would also think heavily about how interested you are in said degree - a degree is not a small investment of time, money and effort and its important you do something you enjoy.
the below is a reply to the above
Hey Randy, this answer was not directed at me but I just want to let you know it really just helped me out. I recently dropped out of mechanical engineering because I wasn't enjoying it and made the switch to computer science. It really pained me for a while thinking about giving up the F1 dream because my career choice wasn't ideal for me. So yeah, thanks. While I'm at it I'd like to add a question about computer science in an F1 team, what kind of roles could I take part of with that degree (specificaly at the track, though I see how that's a bit less likely)? Are there masters degrees or specializations more sought after in certain areas? Again, thanks a lot for you time in answering these questions and apologies for the bad english 😅 Hi, no worries and thank you for the appreciation.
Computer Science is a numerate enough degree at most places that you could lend yourself to any role as long as you can pick up the required engineering knowledge as well. Obviously, something in areas like Software Engineering, IT or Vehicle Science/Modelling may be most relevant/easy but there aren't necessarily many trackside opportunities in those areas.
Hello, First of all, thanks for answering all those questions. It's nice for us students dreaming of F1 to have something to look up to. So I am studying mechanical engineering in France and I am really looking forward to become a Motorsport Race engineer, and obviously F1 would be the dream. What I like the lost in that job is the trackside aspect, travelling, living the race. As I imagine, you need some years of experience to become a trackside F1 engineer. So do you think building experience in lower formulas like F2/F3, FE, or prototypes, performance/data engineer in smaller teams is a good way to line up for a trackside job in F1 ? Or is it recomended to start as an engineer at the lowest level directly in F1 and try to climb the ladder from there ? What is the proportion of your trackside colleagues that come from other motorsport categories ? Thanks ! Great - I look forward to working with you, or competing against you in the future!
That's a tough one. I wouldn't say trackside experience, per se, is very highly desired for trackside roles, but rather a demonstration of the deep technical/operational knowledge, the ability to deal with stress, etc. that makes people successful in those roles.
For this reason, I would say it's better to be in an F1 team and then attempt to try and go trackside, than to be trackside in a 'lower' formula.
The data, from my experience, suggests the same, the vast majority of engineers are in F1 first and then go trackside, rather than being trackside outside of F1 and moving to be trackside in F1.
That is not to say that experience in 'lower' formulae is not immensely useful to securing a job in F1 (just, I believe less preferred than F1 experience).
[deleted] We have - and not just sports too.
We have met with data scientists from football teams, coaches from the Olympics, rugby teams and professional cyclists - as well as many engineers and drivers from other motorsport series.
We also try and keep learning by working with partners or contacts across the military and commercial fields also.
the below is a reply to the above
Can you expand on the military part? Only at a high level, I'm afraid - as I wouldn't want to give anything away to others.
One area that I can talk about is that many teams will use military or ex-military experts to coach/train/share ideas with their personnel as there is a lot of overlap (as there is with many commercial fields also). So, for example, the military practice high quality communications on a regular basis, in highly stressful/pressured situations - that's an area where many teams have worked with ex-RAF personnel, for example, to share best practice, to coach and teach personnel and to improve processes.
Hi Randy My question is, if there's for example safety car deployed and the decision whether pit or not have to be made quickly, can the race engineer and the driver make a decision without asking you? They can but they shouldn't and I can't think of an occasion when they have.
Strategy decisions are made by the strategy team (not necessarily by me) and we have processes in place for making decisions where we have lots of time (normally measured in minutes), down to decisions where we may have 2 or 3 seconds to decide what to do for both cars and execute the communications/actions to do it.
Sometimes we may pre-make the decision and sometimes we have to make it on the fly or override our original intent - the thing about safety cars is that the cause of them can often change your variables/strategy.
Can you speak on how the sport has changed in the past few years in aspect to big data. How has data gathering and manipulation changed the sport? Specifically when it comes to making decisions based on past and current strategies. What kind of software and hardware have made the biggest changes, and how do you see the future of F1 benefit from AI/Big-data? Thanks for any info you may be able to share. McLaren have always been data-driven, so things haven't changed too much recently. We are finding better ways to analyse the data we have and to draw insights from it. I'm afraid I can't say too much more.
Why is it that you still see signs being held out to the drivers at the pit wall? Surely there can’t be anything said on these signs which can’t be said over the car radio? There’s gonna be a simple answer id imagine. I’ve always thought that it would be hard to try read a sign while travelling at 200 mph? It happens so rarely nowadays but the radio can fail, so the pitboards are a backup for that. The drivers should always give them a look as they go past (and they rarely do!) in case the radio has failed.
In the current times, where radio is public to other teams they could also be used as a way of passing coded messages, but we do watch them and that doesn't seem to be the case.
Hey Randy! Big fan of your work last season! My question is: Other than focusing on optimising strategy through the various instruments you have for every next race, what portion of your work is dedicated to improving the tools you have to work out strategies, or developing new technologies and methods? Is this something done consistently or over the winter? And lastly, how much does McLaren Applied work with you in using the newer tools in their work? Thanks :) Thank you.
With how busy the season is, often it is difficult to spend too much time doing development in the season, so big projects are typically tackled over the Winter period between seasons (although this is also getting compressed).
However, we are constantly, both in race weekends and between, developing our analysis techniques, smaller pieces of software, our understanding of competitors' behaviours, etc. so there is a constant ongoing development battle.
We do work with McLaren Applied fairly frequently across the business - we're not currently doing that on strategy projects.
the below question has been split into two, enumerated
Hi, thanks for doing this AMA! I've spent a lot of time reading your answers!I don't know if you'll answer this too but I'll try asking something anyway 1. What are the possible roles that a computer science graduate could cover? Hi! If you wanted to be very computer science focused, I guess software engineering, IT and some of the compute type roles would be interesting. If you're willing to pick up engineering knowledge then things like Vehicle Science modelling and CFD can open up too.
2. What are the main languages/frameworks used in the F1 enviroment?
3. Are you worried about Daniel coming next year? I mean, probably it will be hard not to laugh for the entire week-end when he's with Lando! Thanks in advance, totally not a computer science student.
Hi Randeep, first of all, thanks for your deep insights into the world of Formula 1 and McLaren. My question to you is, how do McLaren (or any other F1 team for that matter) ensure a stable electrical power supply in the case of a loss of normal power supply (Diesel Generators/UPS/battery banks) at both the factory and less likely to occur but still possible, at the track? Bonus question; how do teams (McLaren) prepare for different types of electrical outlets, voltages and currents all around the world? To start - I’ll say I’m not an electrician - take the below with a pinch of salt.
Most teams will have generators at the track (actually various kinds - to run stuff on the grid, in the trucks at European events and external ones at fly away races) and some kind of UPS system as well. Power supplies at circuits can be ‘temperamental’ and often there are power outages for specific reasons too.
In terms of for electrical outlets - we as end users just bring our UK stuff and plug it in! There’s an electrician and IT team who ensure that everything is set up and good to go and sneak with different voltage, phase, etc. supplies.
How did it feel to be part of mclaren last year? Like it has been in an incredible year with outstanding results. I have to say, I have enjoyed every year at McLaren and I started in 2015 when the results weren't outstanding - I am working with really awesome people and even through the bad times it is great to see the team spirit that pervades through everyone.
Last year was incredible and it's good to get an upswing in performance and to see teammates celebrating the thick after making it through the thin!
Who won the bet where Lando had to have ur face as his lock screen till Abu Dhabi last year? Lando won the bet, but he also clearly has no shame. 😃
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Would anyone want to read the rest of this story? Should I turn this in to a book?

How would I expand this? I want to write a book.

Junior year of University, I was approached by M(atty)M(oe) he was goading me to apply to a community service organization, the Bonner program, which rewards students accepted with a $5,000 check. Reluctantly, I applied and shockingly I was accepted into the program, which also included the aforementioned scholarship. Upon receipt of the scholarship check I stood at my mailbox for about 10 minutes $5000 seemed like a small fortune to me, a check of $5000 was almost license to drink myself into oblivion, or throw my fraternity a party completely funded by yours truly.
Nervously, I walked over to the registrars office of Stetson University and said; "Ummm I believe you’ve made a mistake, this check does not belong to me…" They tell me in return, "No that’s your award for being accepted into Bonner."
My head was spinning from the absolute good fortune of doggedly pursuing the philanthropic streak in me, and heeding MMs advice. I was trying to decide what to do with the money; "I could throw my fraternity a party…I could invest it, but any investment right now is suicide…I could buy a motorcycle…" I decided to go with motorcycle, not immediate suicide, I would at least get an dopamine rush on a daily basis. I might even attract a few girls!
Side note: the 'investment option" would have been the best option, I was presenting the equity: SNA, to the board of trustees for purchase into the school endowment portfolio, at time of check receipt, SNA (Snap-On), the equity I was presenting, was trading around $30-35/share (it touched $29/share on the day I made my presentation). At time of writing SNA was trading at $183.59/share. Upon receipt of the scholarship money that was gifted to me, for my good deeds towards humanity, I could have bought 5000/35 = 142 shares of SNA, 142*183=~$30,000. Though no (not) sane 20 year old kid would want to lock their money up for eternity and buy stocks and bonds, that is for old people… like 25 year olds.
I went down to Deland Motorsports with my best friend to browse a few insane 'crotch rockets,' Id learnt that an I-4, or inline 4 cylinder, motorcycle would be vastly overpowered for a 'squid*. Accepting this, I decided on a , very powerful Suzuki SV650s, a sane choice for a "noob."
*squirrely kid
With the final signature of some loan document (stupidly I wasnt not paying very close attention to the verbiage, or amounts - pretty incredible for a finance major) a sudden Dopamine wave went through my body. Holy shit, I thought, do I own another motor vehicle? Im going to get so many girls(!) but I am dating JL… Perhaps her friends will badger her incessantly, and she'll cave and bring another girl into the mix.
None of that happened. Though I did hook up with one if the 'hottest' girls at Stetson, MC, and she specifically said: "you look so 'hawt' riding your motorcycle back from intramural Soccer games, shirtless." Which I interpreted as a flirtatious vote lauding the purchase of that death machine, exactly the type of thing I had in mind when making the purchase. Then there was CZ, Im fairly certain she didn’t have a sexual motivation activated by the motorcycle, this was just a girl who was 'thirsty.' The summer between Junior and Senior year I was selected (incredibly) for an internship with Morgan Stanley, I remember getting the call, in April 2007:
"Hello, could we speak with Nicolas Uppal?"
ohhhh shit what did I do now? "Speaking" I said
"Congratulations Nicolas! You’ve been selected to be a Junior Financial analyst with the GWMG group at Morgan Stanley! You have two options: Beverly Hills or Downtown LA"
All my friends and family can tell you how I was constantly professing to 'adore city life,' and how 'I felt empty if I did not see anything in the sky.' However, the option laid out in front of me required some deliberation, time I did not have. "Uh uh uh Beverly Hills" I blurted out.
"Excellent choice we will send you a confirmation email with the next steps included. Welcome aboard."
Holy sh!t, I thought, im a rising Senior and I already have employment plans.
I immediately called my mother, and let her know the great news.
"I hope you & BPJ approve of this." Quickly explain the Morgan Stanley tale.
"Bien sur que il va etre excite, et mois aussi!"
"Awesome, I have class, talk to you soon, love you."
And with that I thought my future was coming together. I putted around campus for the remainder of my Junior and Senior years, occasionally riding out to Daytona beach, thinking: "this is so cool thank god for this helmet though, I didn’t have the cash to buy one there! Im glad the dealer included one with the sale." That call came at the perfect time to fully let loose over spring break.
For Spring Break; I went to Key West with GA, EM, CF, and DS - we had a blast. I don’t think there was a 5-minute space when all 5 of us were not drunk or high. Then, GA and I had the brilliant idea of renting 49cc scooters and terrorizing Duvall St. We were wrong, Duvall St. terrorized us, EM got into a fight with a bouncer at some popular bar on the strip on Duvall St. EM destroyed him, he just sat on the entrance steps as all 5 of us stumbled in, then 10 minutes and 5 drinks later, we stumbled out, mounted our scooters and safely made it back to our motel, this episode only reinforced my feeling of being invincible.
The next day GA and I were racing on the mopeds around Key West, seeing some traffic up ahead I decided to ramp on to the sidewalk and ride on the sidewalk and 'bunnyhop' down off the sidewalk, thus ensuring my victory. GA pulled up next to me laughing his ass off, from that point forward it didn’t matter if we were drunk, high, or both - we were jumping off sidewalks. Amazingly, none of us went down, except for CF who gave the scooter too much throttle on the sand, lost the rear end and the scooter fishtailed out from underneath him in some sand. Schadenfreude, I thought. Good thing im (slightly) more skilled at riding scooters.
We then had our final night out, just got really drunk didn’t do anything to prepare for the ride back up to Dea(d)land, and await the final 2 months of school.
In the final 2 months of Senior year I attended Ultra Music Festival, I was so in to progressive house and was known around campus for my love affair with House music. In fact DS and I hosted a radio show called "Techno story time," where we would 'drop' the sickest track we had heard during the previous week, and between tracks I would tell an 'R'/'X' rated story of the debauchery. Looking back on this, I must've seemed like such a douchebag, literally kissing and telling whoever had the misfortune of tuning in. Ultra (UMF) was in Miami a 7 hour drive, too pusillanimous to take 'Brutus,' (I wanted to keep him in excellent condition, keep the mileage low) I decided to take the motorcycle.
I recall that going to Miami on a motorcycle was so draining, but as always I was able to overcome that challenge and arrive in Miami with time to spare. I crashed on JLs brothers couch at UM, what an awesome guy for putting up with a smelly, dirty guy who was banging his sister. Damn, in retrospect, I cant really forgive myself for breaking up with JL a year later
At Ultra Music Fest had an awesome time, I didn’t do any drugs, get drunk, or makeout/flirt/hookup with anyone else or smoke Cannabis (although you could smell the cannabis smoke 2-3 miles away). On the drive back, I decided to go as fast as I could (actually I just really really missed JL and wanted to get to Stetson sooner) I remember having the bike at 135 MPH (engine speed limit, were it not for that or I wouldve gone much faster - so that speed limiter was a good thing) for ~30 minutes on the long and boring interior highway FL91. 91 to I-4 to US 17 to JLs arms!
The final 2 months until graduation were essentially a self-imposed retirement; I had no projects due, no finals and before leaving to Ultra Fest '09 I had just given my bond presentation. I was a free man - with no employment lined up. The drawbacks of going to a small, unknown and not-well-connected-outside-of-Florida school were beginning to become apparent
During graduation, I don’t know why I was so somber, I stuck around after graduating for a few nights to party with the boys and be with JL before I departed towards the unknown of adulthood. Upon returning to Atlanta I just assumed that I would be able to 'crash' in my old room, without having a job. Luckily, about 4 months in to my joblessness my great friend from school KD was able to hook up an interview for me with his company, AT&T. I interviewed well, but I really think KD had it already arranged to have me hired, they just wanted to vet me. I interviewed and was subsequently hired to do some business analytics/data cleaning. While working at AT&T I did great work making fun of my superior AM, however, I was not entirely clear on my task. I know I was supposed to measure the times from product purchase to online implementation. Beyond that, However the work was a sinecure until I was hired by MS. We moved buildings, 1 block to a massive, wide open cubicle farm, there may have been ~1000 cubicles in that room - and my cubicle was positioned so that the screen of my computer was visible to everyone who walked in.
Despite being assigned to a less than desirable spot. I worked, not hard but I made sure I completed all my tasks. About 2 months into my 'shafting' I decided to fly to FLL, Ft. Lauderdale, to visit JL, I missed her so badly. I didn’t just miss the sex, I missed the affection, I missed the unconditional love. I had no idea what it was that drew me so close to JL, but I kept going to her. While I was visiting JL she suggested that we go to a dog racing track, having only been to one before, I went to a dog racing track in Daytona Beach with AGs dad and my BFF NB, I agreed the event was not too memorable. However, on the drive back from the track I received a call from the connection I made during my internship with MS, the Managing Director of HR, CNG.
CNG informed me of a position in Coral Gables, Miami FL working with one of her friends JFG. Since I was already in Naples, 90 miles from Miami, I replied with: "I can be there to interview in two days…" With that I experienced another endorphin rush, I ffelt like my future was being laid out in front of me, I just had to secure this job, work my ass off, endure a few years of menial pay until I am promoted to 'Associate' and pay for JL to move in with me. This was especially alluring to me because it seemed like my best friends were getting amazing jobs; RL (my best friend) was working at a PE shop in ATL, and my good friend MS was consulting with McKinsey in Dubai, then again they went to awesome schools Emory and Wharton, respectively.
After my interview with JFG I drove back to Naples for a night before flying back to Atlanta,. It finally felt like I was entering adulthood. I got the position in Miami, I then attempted to put in my two weeks at AT&T when I tried to put in my two weeks my supervisor, AM, said: "No need, you don’t need to come back tomorrow." So with that I was a free man for 2 months, it felt eerily similar to finishing Stetson. I set about organising my departure and move to Miami.
I quickly realised that I was too poor to remotely make a down payment on a condo sight-unseen, so I meekly implored JL to ask her brother, RL, to allow me to crash on his couch for '1 week at most.' I felt like such a bum, living in the UM dorms, working for MS but not having a place to call my own. I had to make a change, so I went around my office asking if anyone needed or knew of anyone who needed a roommate. Luckily, a friend of my then boss, JFG, also had an analyst on his team, RM. We met and quickly agreed to cohabitate an apartment.
Living with RM was fairly easy, he was a very agreeable roommate, I think I pulled the best hand out of the deal,I made sure I got the master suite of the apartment while paying 10% less than RM, I feel like an asshole thinking back on it - but capitalism makes you do things against your human nature. We got into an ok apartment if it were not for the recession of 08-09 we would have never been able to afford it.
About 2 months after I finalized living with RM, Ultra '11 was gearing up, knowing that I was not earning enough to afford a $230 ticket, I begged JL to buy the ticket for our 2 year anniversary. She did! I thought; oh man I love this girl so much, I cant wait to spend the rest o my life with her. My friends GA and DS also were at UMF '11, we had a blast. None of us got too high, drunk or messed up, and strangely I never got GA or EM back to my apartment even though it was 2 blocks from Bayfront park.
I recouped for 12 hours, slept off the alcohol and cannabis, and showed up for work that Monday, probably looking like shit. A few months later, I decided to look up my Boss during my internship, GD. When we connected he was so glad to hear from me, he was unsure if I had been hired. Two calls later he gave me two things: a task to test a Mercedes E55 AMG(we were both gearheads), a job offer in Beverly Hills. Having just the task to test drive the car wouldve been enough, but a job offer in LA? My mind began racing, I had a flexible start date so I was able to gradually close things out and speak with my portfolio manager. Although a favor was called in to get me hired, JFG had no qualms about letting me go.
A month later I went out for my birthday with KG, we werent dating but she had an enormous crush on me, infact she came to Stetson to visut me, much to the chagrin of Jenny. We went to a few small bars, and ended up at club LIV, it was there I met the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on, Viviane G. from Rio, much to my amazement she was in to me as well (probably because at the time I had a head of black hair, this made me look like a Brazilian model). Vivi (as I called her) and I hit it off we spent the rest of my time in Miami together, we never kissed, this is why I felt ok staying with Jenny.
Then, a car and yacht show, 1 block from my apartment spurred the motivation to call and break up with Jenny, strangely. I thought Vivi was the woman of my dreams, I didn’t take in to consideration everything Jenny, and her family, had done for me
I took 2 months to finish up in Miami, going out every night to get the last feel of Miami nightlife before I ventured out to the great unknown west. Once again, like in Miami, I arrived in LA and had to 'crash' on my moms good friend LDs guest bedroom, until I got my situation squared away. I was able to quickly secure an apartment 2 blocks from Hollywood Ave., with a view of the Hollywood sign. "Oh man," I thought "I must be the flossiest Stetson graduate right now." I soon came to learn that DS was in LA too, we linked up and I found my smoking/drinking partner while I was in LA.
Work in the Beverly Hills branch of Morgan Stanley was not overly intense, I was just working with a few extra figures. This increase in amount magnified any mistake I made, and I made quite a few mistakes, luckily these were only mistakes on internal reporting documents my managers (one in Beverly Hills and the other in Boston) were pretty cool with it, but still pointed these mistakes out. I remember the team assistant, AT, being so gorgeous, she was taken, or I wouldve been all over that, I wanted to marry her. There were three women that I wanted to marry: 1 - Vivi, 2 - Jenny, 3 - AT
About 2 months in to living in Los Angeles AT, told me about the website Thrillist. I thought "wow Thrillist is so cool, all these awesome events…wait whats thus 'Rental Car Rally?'" The more I read about it, the more I became supremely interested and thought, oh man my friend GA would be PERFECT as my co pilot. I kept thinking about all the hijinks we would get in to, and the speeding, and the (name your debaucherous activity here). GA flew out to LA, we secured a rental Camaro SS coupe and headed for the rally.
We get to the staging area and we see a flood of other cars, buses, and people dressed in ridiculous outfits "this is going to be too much fun!" we said to each other. As the staging process moves on we see some incredible car decorations, and at the end of the pre-rally warm up we are given the option to race on a circle track, being the speed demons that GA & I were, we A B S O L U T E L Y took full advantage of that option. There was no passing allowed, and a quarter track length between each racer. We stage in line - our turn comes up and I bury the throttle, the rear tires barely having grip as we rocket onto the track, I didn’t dare to go above 125 MPH sine I was unsure about the condition of the tires. As we finished what was essentially a penis-size competition, I decided to do an enormous burnout in the middle of the track. After that burnout we were off to the races.
The rally was set up as a series of checkpoints, you have to take a photo at each checkpoint for proof you were there. First checkpoint: LA Zoo. Going to a zoo during the day is interesting, and smelly. At night however, its frightening different sounds and screams from other ralliers in the distance, we took a photo and drove, withi the speed limits, o course, to the next check point. This checkpoint was an abandoned ski lodge, perfect for messing around on abandoned ski lifts. After the ski lodge, we vebtured out into the desert, we only had 1 checkpoint between the LA Zoo and Vegas, and that checkpoint was on the very western edge of Nevada, a brothel - GA said he had no interest in buyin their "product," I remarked to GA how sad I as that I didnt "dip my pen in Dutch ink" while I was in Amsterdam with KD, yet I too was leery of getting some western Nevada 'strange.' We terorized a few trailer parks, doing insane burnouts and leaving the trailer parkhood in dust.
GA and I get to the strip, our rental Camaro SS was filthy, but we gave no fuc*s. We pull up the crappy little off-strip motel, a motel that was likely used by the hookers around Las Vegas, toss our bags on the floor and crashed for about 4 hours. Our room was right be the Lima Bean shaped pool so we could hear the fellow ralliers horsing around by the pool. Greg gets up, looks out the window, tosses me a Natural Light and says; "the only way to detox is to retox muthaf*****!"
To which I replied :"that’s excellent, but first pack a bowl beforeI shower to get this wester Nevada hooker scent off me…"
We both get out to the pool and EVERYONE rom the starting line is there, they were all really really drunk. Since I was a little tired, and wanted to be on my game for gambling that night, I didn’t drink or smoke. The night rolled around and we rustled up some grub on the strip, then we went to MGM to gamble: "Im not putting more than $50 down for chips…"
"Cool, imma do $100, you broke bitch" GA said.
We decide to play some slots (yawn), some Roulette (yawn), then I said I wanted to play some BlackJack. We walked up to the black jack table, waited for the dealer to reshuffle, and jumped in. I felt really smart so I thought I could count cards, after a few hands I started to turn a $5 to $10 to $20 profit, leaving me with $50, the exact same as I started with I thought: "ok, I can quit now, or go for glory, and put 80% down…" Me being the dumb kid I was, I decided to put $40 down and risk it all.
"ohhhh the little piker thinks hes got game!?" The dealer said
"Ehhhh" I replied
The cards come out and I get a 9 and a King.
"I bet you want a hit…"
"Nah, the only hit im taking will be the hit of Cannabis I take after I win this hand"
"Ok kid"
The dealer got a 5, Queen. "I bet you want a hit…" I said in a snarky tone
He took a card, a 7.
I said: "Id like to close out, please"
"Awwww poor kid cant play!?"
"Id like to close out, please"
"Ok tough guy"
I take my chips, get them cashed, and wound up with $95. I turned to GA: "I see how this can get addictive, I turned a 90% ROI!"
"We both laughed, piled into the Camaro, and GA drove us back to LA. GA hung out with DS for an extra day in LA while I was at work - about a month went by before my portfolio manager GD told me I needed to get to Boston to meet the other half of the team, I had only spoken to AS & SG on the phone, trying to explain how to use my messed up spreadsheets. Upon the meeting I figured: "Im already in the North East, I will swing down to NYC to visit RL, RN & MS.
The first night we were itogether, we just went out, got drunk, went to MS' friends apartment, but she wasn’t home yet. So MS and I decided to sleep, on the loor, in front of her door in a fairly swanky Upper East Side apartment. Early that morning MS and I were both awoken by a securoty guard kicking our feet: "uhhhh whats goin on here?"
"oh, sorry we got locked out by our friend she didn’t come home last night, do you all have a lounge?"
"yep, to the right of the front desk"
"Awesome, thank you"
MS and I slept on couches (what a luxury until JP came home. We got cleaned up and I grabbed my bag and went to MS, RN, and RLs apartment. Except it was a 2-bedroom. RL has converted a narrow, but very tall closet into a bedroom/loft. RL and I had been friends since high school, so I felt ok asking him if I could toss my stuff in his room. It was Saturday night, so we all got cleaned up, grabbed a pizza ate in, and got hyped for Saturday night.
"Where should we go?" asked RN.
Me:"I really wanna go to Pacha near westside highway! I get a podcast every week by them, and they have awesome music!"
RN asks:"Ok, everybody cool with Pacha?"
MS:"I wanna hit a college bar, maybe we go there to pregame, then Pacha?"
Me: "yeah that sounds splendifferous"
We set out, at the college bar, I ended up taking 3 shots and I was done for, I cant remember a thing. I stumble up to the bar and ask or a Heineken. "Ohhh is that for me?" An unseen girl asked
"Sure, if we go home tonight."
Not being able to believe my ears, I turned around and I see this really cuteAsian girl with her hand out.
"hmm youre pretty thirsty huh?"
"Like you wouldn’t believe" as she snatched the beer out of my hand
"Well maybe you can give me some private tutoring, so I do believe."
"Im a great teacher"
"Well, I kinda suck at school, anything you can do?"
"Well as far as sucking, I think we can work something out"
"well, Ill be sure to get you an extra juicy Apple"
"Sounds delicious"
We danced, occasionally kissing, and made our way back to RL, RN & MS' apartment. When we got there I realized I had no bed to sleep on, only a couch, but RL being the good friend he is said: "Y'all can sleep (wink) in my bed."
"The dungeon!? Yesssss. Thanks man."
So, this girl (didn’t and still don’t know her name) amble up the ladder, she was wearing a skirt and wanted to go first. "Ok I know where this is going…to the bed!"
"Aww cant we play teachestudent first?"
"Only if I get a taste of that Apple I brought you..."
The next morning was my flight out to LA at 4:56 PM, so I had time to grab brunch with the guys before I left. We ate on Chelsea Pier, I felt obliged to 'kiss and tell,' and extol them with my heroics. In retrospect, they probably didn’t want to hear it, I banged some random, probabky nasty girl on RLs bed. We finished lunch had some fun on Chelsea pier, and I flew back to LA. While back in Beverly Hills I was incredibly tire, but I took pride in recounting every detail to DV, knowing AT could hear. I stupidly thought: "if she hears how much fun im having, she might get jealous and want to hangout with me." I was such a devious little shit.
I finish telling DV just as GD walks in to hear the punchline; "…so I brought her back and got her on my friends bed!" GD walks to his station, with four screens (I used to think the ore screens you have the more of a boss you are, now I think the less you have to involve yourself with day-to-day, and intraday moves the more of a 'boss' you are) I can feel him staring at me smiling my ass of, he says "I WANT TO FU*KING HEAR!" So I launch into my tale (or should I say tail).
Later that week I called my father while biking to the gym. I called him because I made an error In the execution of a large fixed income trade, the price of the underlying security moved away from the price quoted, normally this would not matter since we had discretion over trading - meaning we would not need client approval. However, this was a trade for our largest client making a large fixed income purchase, so $.01 makes a big difference when the quantity purchased is in the millions. My father recounts this story to me as an almost emblematic admission of previous of apprehension towards him, and my subsequent of rectification.
As theNYC buzz began to wear off, I started going to bars around LA; SkyBar, and Viper Room one night my two buddies DS & DS, and I all agreed that we should go to Club Avalon, I was a huge electronic progressive house music aficionado so going to world famous club Avalon was *almost* as sweet as NYC with my bros. DS and I cohosted 'Techno Storytime' on the school radio, so we were super pumped to hear some much in the 110 - 130 BPM range.
Still feeling the nightlife buzz from NYC, I found myself able to easily to talk to girls. Doug and I were kinda wall flowers/club explorers, neither one of us has been to Avalon, but upon exploring it we both agreed, DS would love it too, we should start meeting there monthly. The night wore on, I found myself uninterested in paying $12.00 for a bottle if Heineken, so I started to hit on some women, DS and I had explored too much and I only had 30 minutes to seal the deal. So I got to work, quickly scored the number, but we got sidetracked talking about a subject I really, really enjoy; political analysis.
We talked political analysis I wish I could remember what she was saying, she was so on the ball, that awareness only increased my attraction to her. We talked for a bit, we went to the outside portion of the club, seeing her in the moonlight I thought; "shit, she is magnificent, screw AT if I land her. Her looks combined with her intellect make her a superwoman, exactly the type of woman I want carrying my seed. By this point 20 minutes had elapsed, and the club began emptying, "oh shit better seal th-"
"It was amazing talking to you, but I have to find my friends."
"Wait, maybe we…"
She was gone from my life, at least I had her number…
I moped back to DS, he asked me: "Howd it go man!?"
I started yelling that 'I couldn’t seal the f$%^ing deal!"
"Its cool man, this is a big city, im sure youll have other shots, lets catch a cab back to my crib, smoke a bowl watch a movie and forget about all this."
"Aight dude that sounds awesome."
So, we go out to the taxi area, DS and I just bullshitting, and he stop talking: "…so DS has this sick fader on his turn tab…. Wait, what was the name of the girl you were talking to?"
"Why? K(atie)A(ltman…)
"D what the…."
"Oh Shit that’s Katie!"
He yells -"KATIE!!!!!!"
She turns around as she is getting in to her cab, with her buddies. I sprint over to her cab wrench the cab door open, and ride with the back to their apartment in Laurel Canyon. From here, I don’t have a clear memory of what happened but I woke up in my bed the next morning. "Shit" I thought, did I walk back to Franklin from Laurel Canyon? Guess I don’t need to work out today! So I rolled back over and dozed for another 45minutes until I get a text from the girl who was sweating me at the gym, CS.
A little back story on CR; I was always checking her out, so was always pushing her massive chest out when I would walk by and she was on a machine. Then one day she walked up behind me while I was doing pushups, waited for me to finish me set… "ninety eight…ninety nine…one hundered, I don’t know I you were listening there I did 100 pushups, ha ha ha
"Is that rom a movie???"
"Ohhhh, well lets see how you do with me riding yourback!"
"Wait what?"
CR straddled my back and plopped down. I pretended to not be able do any with her on my back. "Come on muscle man, make me ride you!"
"Um, im not sure I feel comfortable announcing to the gym that you want to fuck me"
"Who said that, that wishful thinking man…"
"How about we compare our wishes, what is a good night next week to take you to dinner?"
"Sunday night"
"I am a nurse so I work weird hours, but next Sunday night, lets get take out, a bottle of wine and some…youre from India right?"
"Ok, some Hindu Kush, sit on the beach in Santa Monica and share dinner."
"Whoa, yes ma'am!"
"Southern thing, I tell you about on Sunday night."
"Can't wait" She said with a smile
I left the LA Fitness on Hollywood BLVD. next to the Chinese Theater in a dream state. Then I realized that Sunday night was 2 nights away! Shit I need to get wine and a ton of Hindu Kush! I secured the Hindu Kush (too much), but not the wine, I wanted to get Red, and White to give her the option. Since I has just moved into my new apartment, I didn’t have time to set everything up, so I didn’t have time to buy a cooler to chill the white wine; "I will have to buy it the night of."
I searched my room and couldn’t find any more bud, so I decided to Meet DS and DS for dinner, we wound up going to a bar too - oops! Needless to say I didn’t get to pick up the wine, or the Kush, id have to pick it up before the date, tomorrow. "Hey do you guys know I any dispensaries are open on Sunday??
"They arent, but our friend owns one, he'll sell to you."
So, I contact DS and DS' buddy; I meet him and buy absolutely too much bud, and buy some gummies too, I swing back by my apartment on Franklin, drop off the dry bud" CR and I wont need that much, and get a call from DS, Ds and crew: "Yooo nuppal, were gonna go catch a movie, you down?"
"Yeah man lets do it!"
I quickly grab my backpack, remembering that I needed to pick up the wine, and knowing I needed to bring some bud. I hopped on my bike and roade over to East Hollywood to catch a flick with them. I pull up, get off the bike as theyre rolling up, I swing my backpack across, thinking im going to light up. I open the back pack… "Hey guys lets do this before…" Open the back pack a but more and reach in feeling for my bowl and the tupperware with the dry kush, and realizing that I hadnt unpacked the edibles that id bought. So, I skipped the dry bud and said: "hey guys I just bought these edibles, lets each grab some gummies and watch the movie…"
"Alright dude, but Edibles will hit when the movie is ending, but yeah man!"
So we take some gummies, and watch the movie. DS was right, the gummies did begin to take effect as the movie ended: "shit" I thought "Im gonna have to ride to Santa Monica while pretty high…no big deal, I hate riding high though." As Im riding down Sunset BLVD, heading west towards Santa Monica I happen to look up at the sky during a red light. The magnificence of a South-Western Southern California sunset is something everyone must enjoy, similar to the colors a Monet painting. I stared up at the sky for longer than the light was red, so people behind me became agitated. I quickly moved down Sunset blvd. at the famous (or infamous) intersection of Sunset Blvd. & Larrabee St. in West Hollywood.
Still mesmerized by the sunset, yet trying to focus, I see a clapped out For Expedition come from Larrabee, turning left onto Sunset the intended turn was in my path. I took a second to process "this is my path what the fuohhhh," going from euphoric joy to life saving maneuvers is not something they teach in MSF school, good thing I never went. After processing his intended trajectory I slammed on the brakes,
A part-time bartender at the Viper Room "didn’t see his red light due to sun" and was under assume every light is 'Green' for him. So he decided that even though there is traffic on Sunset, he would rather turn o make sure there was no traffic going in his intended direction on Sunset. I knew that grabbing too much front brake would send me headfirst into the pavement and his car, and into my coffin. So, I decided to overapply the rear brake, lay the bike down and hope for the best, I guess 'the best' of an inherently shitty situation did occur, I lived! However, while sliding through the Sunset & Larrabee intersection my back connected with the end of his passenger-side running board, my brand new Scorpion Exo-1000 hit the running board as well. Instantly knocked out. According to the report filed by the ambulance driver I was 'unresponsive' at the scene, but no external blood, save a bit of road rash were my jacket bunched up underneath my left arm, I suffered a 'severe' DAI brain injury (Diffuse Axonal Injury) and 26 brain bleeds.
Luckily, the ambulance ride was at most 8 minutes to Cedars-Siani Beverly Hills, this hospital was on my commute path to and from work, on Maple Dr. I always wondered what the building was, so much property in the heart of Beverly Hills however, this was NOT the method I intended to find out about this building. Must have been a funny scene in the office the next Monday. "Looks like Nick is late again" said AT
My dad gave me my first laugh post injury, we agree that laughter is the vanguard of healing mental and physical ailments.
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I would say, stay the hell away from the party scene. Anything you put in front of your goal, and especially something like that, whether it's too much gambling, too much food, too much cold beers on the weekend - anything that you put in front of the prize is going to end up getting in the way and hurting you in the end. Brad Renfro You’d be amazed to know how many of the most legendary people of this world gambled and won tremendous amounts of money. Many of them were politicians, nobles, scientists, famous artists and so on, and many of them have compressed their experience in a few lines that can tell us many important things about gambling […] This one can be characterised as one of the funny casino quotes. The author of this quote on gambling is Albert Einstein who once made this statement explaining that “no one could possibly win at roulette unless he steals money from the table while the croupier isn't looking.” “In gambling, the many must lose in order that the few may win.” The subject of gambling is one that generates a lot of opinions, and some great quotes too. On this page we have put together a collection of some of the best gambling related quotes. We also explain a little background behind each of the quotes chosen. “Gambling is the great leveller. All men are equal at cards.” – Nikolai Gogol “Gambling with cards or dice or stocks is all one thing. It’s getting money without giving an equivalent for it.” – Henry Ward Beecher “Gambling is an act of faith of gamblers. Prophecy is an act of faith of the saints.” – Toba Beta Luck is what happens. when preparation meets opportunity. Seneca. (ca. 4 BC – 65 AD; Roman philosopher, dramatist, and writer) Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do. Baltasar Gracián y Morales. (1601-1658; Spanish Jesuit, writer, and philosopher) By gaming we lose both. Go wild with the winnings you get from gambling and spend it how you please, but don’t put the money for your food and rent into a bet. The best throw of the dice is to throw them away. – Italian Proverb, 1790 (first recorded in writing). Popular amongst those who don’t like gambling or risk-taking. Funny Gambling Quotes ... GENERAL. "Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something." — Unknown. "I used to be a heavy gambler. But now I just make mental bets. That's how I lost my mind." — Steve Allen. George Bernard Shaw. “. The gambling interests like to point to the construction jobs, but those jobs go away. John Warren Kindt. “. The subject of gambling is all encompassing. It combines man's natural play instinct with his desire to know about his fate and his future. Franz Rosenthal. “. Discover and share Gambling Quotes From Famous People. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love.

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